Happy Solstice

Dec 4, 2003
Happy Solstice y'all.. the sun reached solstice at 0646 UTC this morning.

South Pole
NZSP 211150Z GRID07010KT 1600 IC BR SKC M58/ A2890
-72 deg F in 24-hour darkness

North Pole
30 deg F in 24-hour light
114 degrees F today - Phoenix, Arizona

Two power outages and a hazardous weather statement for slight chance of thunderstorms and blowing dust.

Happy solstice LOL :P
If its June and July in Alberta,get out and chase,,eh if i had a car that is.
Happy summer everyone.back to watching supercell hook echos.
Most depressing day of the year ... shorter days from here on out ...

I usually don't really start noticing till the end of August into September, but just the thought of it ... ugh.
The rising moon was to appear its largest in 18 years tonight. I looked up moonrise times, so it looks like if you didn't already catch it, we've all missed it. Was supposed to be just before 8PM here in EDT.

Originally posted by Mike Peregrine
Most depressing day of the year ... shorter days from here on out ....

Back to looking forward to snowstorm chasing! ;)
I saw the moon as it came up... didn't seem any bigger than normal to me, but did look awesome.
Speaking of Moon, Melissa is enjoying the shortest day of the year down under.
After only half a summer in Tucson, I'm already going crazy from the relentless sun and brain warping heat. Bring on the global darkening already!! 'Happy Solstice' indeed!

Happy Solstice everyone! I shall sing a song, of course if everyone pays me money I will keep my mouth shut. Send check or money order to James Siler 12.........lol.
Originally posted by Mike Peregrine
Most depressing day of the year ... shorter days from here on out ...

This is a depressing day here as well, but for another reason. Summer is upon us and that means zero activity until autumn. It is rare to even have any clouds during the summer, other than low marine-inversion clouds. So it's blue sky until mid-September...
Happy Solstice! It was a cooler day (relatively) here. Must have only been 105F, the wind made it cooler. Dry heat really does make a difference.

Oh, and about the moon: yea it definitely looked bigger than normal, even 2 hours after it rose.

Full moon on the Solstice, it don't get better than that.
It's the most depressing day of the year for me, too . . . because winter's just STARTED!! Feels like it's gone on forever — haven't had storms since February — but the big difference: Earlier, it was dry, and now it's dry and cold! AAUGH!
It's kind of funny, every December during the first day of winter I always joke that the days are going to start getting longer. And of course that is usually before the worst part of winter has started so I usually get some laughs. For some reason it's taken a little more seriously in June when it goes the other way..
Early signs of spring here now though with Magnolia and Daffodils coming into flower. :)

That water-dominated Southern Hemisphere. It just don't get nearly as cold as the Northern one in winter. With Antarctica, the coldest place on Earth, being the exception. -72, BRRRRR!! :shock: