Mar 15, 2004
Chicago, IL
So 2004 is over and 2005 will begin. Anybody care to make some chasing resolutions for the new year? Remember that RESOLUTIONS are changes, improvements and decisions that you make and that are pretty much in your control (if you have the will power) as opposed to GOALS. For example...

Resolution: I vow to not drive over 75 miles per hour on any chase this year. (that was only an example and not my resolution :roll: )

Goal: I will see 25 tornadoes this year.

Ok, you get the point. Have fun with it.

I would like to sincerely wish all of you and your loved ones a safe, happy and prosperous new year!

Resolution: To use a tripod more. I was pretty good about it last year. Oh, and to talk less during my videos :lol: :roll:
Goal: see 10 or more tornados on my 3 week trip along with a 2 1/2 mile wide wedge, ala Hallam, NE May 22
My resolution is to take video or pictures on every chase (nearly half my chases in 2004 have no video/pics to show for it). My goal is to see a tornado in at least three time zones.....especially the Pacific.
Jeff and David are right on with their resolutions. I also resolve to get more video encoded and on the internet within a shortest reasonable time after a chase.
My 2005 Chasing Goals

1. To have at least 4 tornado days.
2. To chase South Dakota (or at least pass through it).
3. Tripod more video and shoot more stills.
4. Chase over 10,000 miles through at least 10 different states.
5. To have my girlfriend see at least one tornado.
Resolution: To keep improving my faith in my ability to pick a target. I want to learn to stay put until the 11th hour before bailing on a target, even when other storms in other places have initiated and are producing.

Goal: To make every tornado I see a great piece of video

Use tripod more
Talk less during video and not to say anything stupid :)

Get tornado on film for once! I've seen possibly 2 so far, and don't have anything to prove that to others.
Resolution: Leave early every chase day.

Goal: See half as much as 04.
Originally posted by Mike Hollingshead
Resolution: Leave early every chase day.

Goal: See half as much as 04.

That would still be a good year by normal standards for most of us. Last year was incredible and will be hard to top. :wink:

As for leaving early. I have been working on that the past few years and have gotten better. I would rather sit on the side of the road for an hour or two and wait for show than try and play catchup all day or miss something because I left 10 minutes too late (has happened a number of times). if I think the cap will bust at 3 then I want to be there by 2 so I have time to update my data and make adjustments.
Resolution: Leave early every chase day.

I love leaving early...there is nothing better than hanging out waiting for the cap to break. Tossing a football or frisbee with the chase partners, maybe eating a leisurely lunch, and perusing data slowly are just some of the benefits.

The only problem I see in leaving early is the tendency to want to shift your target area as soon as the first storms go up elsewhere. As long as you stick to your guns, it works out pretty well.

My New Years chasing resolution....

....TO GO CHASING! :wink:
(haven't been on a chase in the Plains in 4 years)
Resolution I vow to not drive over 75 on any chase this year. I got slammed with two speeding tickets this fall and I didn't bother getting court supervision, which means one more and I'm suspended... and that will put a quick end to any chase plans I have.

Goal Bust less! I bagged my first tornado this year and that's more than I expected, but with the increase in gadgetry (wifi, gps, cell phone modem) I hope I'm intercepting the severe stuff a little more often this year.