Guys, I need some help

Apr 25, 2005
Dallas, TX
I am new to chasing but I have a couple of questions I need to ask.

One of my friends lives in Fort Smith, AR and I live in Dallas, TX

I drive up to there every weekend or so and I would like to chase in that area as well.

Can I get some sort of scanner to monitor weather conditons, other spotters, police etc...

I know of a ham radios, but I am not interested in that.
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Yes. I just bought me a 2nd hand held scanner from Radio Shack for $100 and an external scanner antenna that mounts on top of my vehicle and it allows me to pick up NOAA Weather Radio, police, fire, ems, ham radio and storm spotters.

Here you go.. some links for ya


Scanner Antenna
Check the NWS webpages for the areas you will be chasing. They often have a section devoted to local SKYWARN operations. They'll list the frequencies for the repeaters they use during the severe weather nets. Offices have different styles of how they use their nets (i.e., providing info before and during the event, just warnings, etc.). I can't afford any mobile internet right now, so this is pretty much how I get all of my info when I'm trying to intercept a storm.
Check the NWS webpages for the areas you will be chasing. They often have a section devoted to local SKYWARN operations. They'll list the frequencies for the repeaters they use during the severe weather nets. Offices have different styles of how they use their nets (i.e., providing info before and during the event, just warnings, etc.). I can't afford any mobile internet right now, so this is pretty much how I get all of my info when I'm trying to intercept a storm.

Thank you for the info!