Well technically if you qualify to have the WDSS-II system you can download this:
http://cimms.ou.edu/~lakshman/WDSSII/w2algrun.html and start several algorithms at once in real time with access to an LDM. Note: one you need to have a pretty fast computer, two a really good LDM.
It should be noted that:
"What can you not do with this software?
1. Run it operationally.
2. Distribute weather warnings or make weather forecasts or decisions based on this software.
3. Run it real-time.
4. Redistribute the software.
5. Make commercial use of the software."
Obviously there is legal issues with 2 but 3 is the kicker, because you can go back to the home page and click on real-time monitoring. I personally do not know how good the algorithm works; I just use WDSS-II at NEMAC for research and soon at the NCDC for data assimilation and analysis.
But as for GR2AE, when you are on a research budget, if you can get same information or enough of what you want for free, go free; as for operationally, you avid and experienced chasers and operational meteorologist will have to answer that. But it's also too early to tell anything with this new software, who knows could be what you want, and it could not be what you want.