GRLevel 3 and GPS-Streets and Trips

Jan 11, 2006
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Well, I finally got my GPS package with MS Streets & Trips, and took it out for a field test. I really like what I see so far, although it would be nice if there was an automatic centering feature that would scroll the map as the vehicle icon moves. Other than that, I like it.

Also downloaded the trial version of GRLevel 3, and the software absolutely rocks! Now what I want to know is, how does one go about sandwiching the data from the GRLevel 3 on top of the GPS data? I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place here, because GRLevel 3 doesn't seem to cover Canada, which seems to be "The Forgotten Nation" when it comes to chasing software.

For those of you who travel to the Canadian prairies to chase, what software do YOU use?

Can someone help me out? :)
Well, I finally got my GPS package with MS Streets & Trips, and took it out for a field test. I really like what I see so far, although it would be nice if there was an automatic centering feature that would scroll the map as the vehicle icon moves. Other than that, I like it.

Also downloaded the trial version of GRLevel 3, and the software absolutely rocks! Now what I want to know is, how does one go about sandwiching the data from the GRLevel 3 on top of the GPS data? I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place here, because GRLevel 3 doesn't seem to cover Canada, which seems to be "The Forgotten Nation" when it comes to chasing software.

For those of you who travel to the Canadian prairies to chase, what software do YOU use?

Can someone help me out? :) [/b]

I strongly suggest buying GR3, since the beta versions (RC1.1 actually) have a ton of improvements and additions over the trial version of GR3. Dynamic placefiles, native GPS support, and other things make the $80 very much worth it!

I don't think there's an overlay feature on Streets and Trips, so you can't (again, AFAIK) overlay the radar data on S&T. You could make maps from S&T (others have already done so; they're on the allisonhouse site I think) and use those as a background in GR3.

Are the radar data from Canandian radars freely available like the WSR-88D data are? I don't know anything about radar coverage in Canada, but I'd think that demand for Canada radar is significantly less than that for the US 88D network. Nothing against Canada!
Well, I finally got my GPS package with MS Streets & Trips, and took it out for a field test. I really like what I see so far, although it would be nice if there was an automatic centering feature that would scroll the map as the vehicle icon moves. Other than that, I like it. [/b]

Actually John, there is a feature to keep the vehicle icon centered. Just open up the GPS task pane. On the left hand side there should be an option to "Track Position". Right under that is the option to "Keep Centered". If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me. I really like the program and use it constantly. Very easy to use...
For those of you who travel to the Canadian prairies to chase, what software do YOU use?

Can someone help me out? :)

John, we really are in the wild frontier here when comparing our radar to the U.S. The Canadian radar is rather primitive in comparison, and the images available via the internet are almost useless in my opinion.

For chasing in Manitoba, you CAN get pretty good overlap coverage from ND stations KBIS, KMVX and KMBX; these will cover the southern part of the province fairly well and tends to be where most interesting storm cells occur anyways.

For local chasing I tend to keep a close eye on what the weather is up to for chase opportunities. Keep an eye on the output products from the Prairie Regional Storm center or other Environment Canada outlets and compare with your own forcasts. I also have a SAME enabled weather radio that has given me a few leads, although you have to act quick on those. I tend to leave the laptop at home when chasing local and rely on my eyes, ham radio (sometimes the CANWARN network is active on the good stuff) and scanner (for weather updates). Some good action last year.. I chased about 5 or 6 good storms with barely any equipment at all. I keep a few items in the Jeep but generally when something happens I need to get out of the house fast and hit the road as soon as possible.
Hey John, nice to see a fellow Winnipegger in here; that makes three of us! How right you are when you talk about the quality of our wx forecast/nowcast products vs. the American system. It's rather like comparing an AMC Pacer to a Lamborghini. I usually don't even bother with Environment Canada, the information is so bush league.

I've found that going to the COD website gives one some coverage of the southern portion of the proivince, similar to what you mentioned.

The weatheradios are a great accessory, and it did alert me to that major storm front we had last August, with the wicked straight-line winds that did damage in the city. I got some decent pics, and the storm chased be back into the city and toppled a huge oak tree in my front yard (see photo). It was a close call, because it fell right between my house and the neighbor's place. Did damage to both roofs, but if it had fallen a few feet in either direction, it would have been worse.

When we had the tree people out to cut it up and haul it away, the guy counted most of the rings, and told us the tree was over 200 years old. He also said the tree probably weighed around 4000 pounds, enough to have invited itself into my living room if it had fallen just a few feet to the north.

By the way, did you catch the tornado at Pilot Mound? I was tied up that afternoon, but what a storm! You could easily see the anvil top from the city.