GPS advice please

I got my BU-353 in the mail today and lo and behold I get a position on my GR software. :D

Since I have no concrete plans to split my GPS signal to more than just GR, I went with the BU-353 puck for a little less cash than buying GPSGate.

It was a simple installation process.

GPSGate is software, not a GPS. It allows you to split your NEMA GPS data to multiple applications.

I'm done trying to get this thing to work. Is there another gps unit I could buy that will work with grlevel3 and xm mobile threatnet? If so I'll run that and my delorme one and just use the delorme one for street atlas.

I'm sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. My offer still stands from earlier to lend a hand, especially if it's the BT-20 that you ordered from Delorme.
I actally work for Sprint in there Advanced Tech support in OKC and use my Sierra 598 and it works wonders..
I just clicked on one of the drop downs at the top of the screen and moved the cursor over "gps" or clicked on it and it gave me the option of selecting a com port.

On that note I FINALLY got my gps working with everything. I got that BU-353 or whatever it is and I've already got it running with grlevel3, spotter network and delorme street atlas. I thought I was going to have to still use my delorme gps for street atlas, but since I figured out how to tie this one into it I'll only need one gps puck. That was a good surprise. The only thing I have left to do is to get it running with Mobile Threatnet and I will get that done tomorrow. All my equipment is now officially up and running. That cluster **** is over.
Mikey - We just arrived in Winter Park and when I fired up the laptop and read this I was just as happy as a lark. I knew you'd eventually get it working. If we lived in the same city I would have driven over to your house and stayed until we had it running. I'm glad I made a new friend through this whole ordeal and hope to meet you in person out in the field this season. Stay in touch and don't be a stranger.

For those that have struggled with the Delorme puck GPS, I finally figured out the issue with mine today. Here is the deal. If you use the Delorme Serial Emulator it will work fine. BUT the issue is with Delorme Streets. By default when you launch the application it sets the GPS into the Earthmate mode and usb. That will totally screw up the Serial Emulator and it won't work properly till you reboot. The trick I figured out is you have to create a default map file that has the GPS setup as NEMA Generic and using the actual virtual COM port from the emulator. Then make sure when ever you launch Streets you choose that map file. If you let Streets create a new map file it will revert back to the Earthmate settings and it will hose up the other Com ports and it will break spotter network and GR3.

Hope that makes sense and helps someone out. I have been struggling with it for a couple of weeks and just figured out the magic today.