Go Kansas!

No kidding about 2008, Go Kansas!

First, KU (University of Kansas) winning the BCS Orange Bowl.
Next, KU winning the Men's Basketball National Championship.
Now, taking the top spot for the number of US tornadoes...

Hopefully in 2009, there won't be nearly as many hormonal, pms-y HP storms with super fast storm motions as last year. Granted, parts of Kansas are accustomed to that but I wouldn't have expected so many on the western side of the state.
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You mean the state to drive through to get somewhere else? ;)
The dissing on Kansas, it burns! *Shakes fist in air* I will not tolerate such language. Besides, that honor belongs to Mizzurah with Wisconsin being a close second. ;P

Mike Peregrine said:
We need some good clear storm bases this year ... I would give just about anything for a couple of easily chaseable classics somewhere this year. Seems like it's been forever.
Boy, ain't that the truth. It does seem like it's been quite a while since there was a classic, photogenic setup. I'm hoping this year will bring some dryline magic across the TX panhandle although I am concerned since it's been terribly dry out there. Even though I no longer live in NE Kansas, I certainly can sympathize how several severe weather events in that area give the HP-variety of storms. It always seemed like the storms were taunting me, "Want to see what behind the rain curtain? Come on, I dare ya..." I absolutely love experiencing and analyzing all types of weather as each experience is an adventure, but I won't shed any tears if I don't encounter any HP storms this year, lol.

Speaking of last year's season, does anyone have any idea why we had so many of the HP variety, especially in areas where you would typically not see storms in HP mode?
Ahhhh! Would be nice if I could finish a semi-coherent thought while watching the Steelers/Ravens game. Change "Canada" to "Minnesota." I had a thought in there about traveling through Wisconsin to get to Minnesota and eventually Canada but obviously it didn't quite pan out that way, haha. Ah, well. [/off topic randomness].

Looking at the tornado stats between Kansas (187 tornadoes) and Texas (116 tornadoes), that a pretty significant difference between the two states considering the square mileage is much larger in the Lone Star State.