Forecasts Section


Mar 1, 2004
Lansing, MI
Currently the snowstorm forecast discussions are taking place in the NOW thread, with the moderators' blessing. Since the main event isn't until tomorrow for many areas, what is the forecast thread used for? We really need to figure this out, it shouldn't be so confusing...

I vote for making the NOW thread about what's happening NOW, and using the FORECAST thread for forecasts. I'm curious why the moderators changed to putting forecast stuff in the NOW thread...
Shoot, I vote for not having anything snow or winter-related in the Chase Forecasts section period.
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I'm with Robert on putting things where they belong and just having a thread in each section.

What about those people who actually do drive/fly somewhere for a snowstorm? Wouldn't that qualify as a chase?
In the past week there have been more posts on this snowstorm than in the past 2+ months combined in the CHASE forum... Whether or not it's going to be chased should not be the issue, it's a big event and people are obviously very interested in it.

We made a separate section for hurricanes and you KNOW the ratio of hurricane chasers to posters is incredibly small. So do we need a separate winter section? Should we stick with the FCST/NOW/REPORTS/DISC for winter, or put them all in one as one of the mod's has decided?
I'm pretty sure the ratio of hurricane chasers to winter wx chasers on this board is relatively large.

The fact that the people that DO like them are so devoted to the topic that it tends to overthrow the subject. There is about a dozen or so members that are extremely devoted to winter wx. We have different boards available online to discuss winter storms. Wright-Wx has a plethora of winter wx-lovers.

It seems like this board never wants to focus on what the majority of it's members came to it for -- gravitational deep, moist convection.

In the past week there have been more posts on this snowstorm than in the past 2+ months combined in the CHASE forum... Whether or not it's going to be chased should not be the issue, it's a big event and people are obviously very interested in it.

We made a separate section for hurricanes and you KNOW the ratio of hurricane chasers to posters is incredibly small. So do we need a separate winter section? Should we stick with the FCST/NOW/REPORTS/DISC for winter, or put them all in one as one of the mod's has decided?
*shrug*. It's winter. I don't see any tornadoes around. If talking about snow gets people over SDS, then why tinker with a good thing?

I dunno, I can think of better things to do than worry about where snowstorm posts should go on an internet board at the beginning of December with no severe weather in sight. :) Like building a snowman, for one thing. Now if only we could get some of that white stuff up north a bit!
*shrug*. It's winter. I don't see any tornadoes around. If talking about snow gets people over SDS, then why tinker with a good thing?

I dunno, I can think of better things to do than worry about where snowstorm posts should go on an internet board at the beginning of December with no severe weather in sight. :) Like building a snowman, for one thing. Now if only we could get some of that white stuff up north a bit!

Not to mention, almost all of us will see winter weather in our own backyards. Very few will see severe storms or tornadoes.
chasing snowstorms

As for chasing snowstorms being a deciding factor in this discussion,...

This was posted by another ST member who can appreciate winter weather as much or more than myself.

Sitting here in Peoria - Downtown. Drove 5 hours for this one. Looks like this is going to be a good spot. I am looking for thundersnow and ice later tonight/tomorrow morning. Will be curious to see if we can get blizzard conditions through here.

I wish the best for anyone chasing these amazing events, it takes some guts (with ICE atleast).
We have different boards available online to discuss winter storms. Wright-Wx has a plethora of winter wx-lovers.

And most mets left WW because the S/N ratio was horrid... It's hard to carry on weather conversations on several boards at the same time - so since this is the premiere summertime forum, why not keep it for winter too?

It seems like this board never wants to focus on what the majority of it's members came to it for -- gravitational deep, moist convection.

I have a hard time believing that discussing a blizzard in December could in any form take away from discussions about tornadoes. If it's March and the board gets cluttered with 3" snowmakers when an F4 tears through Kansas, you may have a point. But I _guarantee_ you that winter weather will _never_ push out real convective weather. We've had two days now with tornado warnings, yet look at how little was ever posted about it?
I agree with Rob and everyone else ... If people are interested in discussing winter weather, why ruin it because a vocal minority passionately hates the topic? It's weather, and if you're at all a met (or aspiring met), then you technically SHOULD have an intersest in the dynamics of a winter storm - that's where some of the best synoptic scale case studies come from. Nothing fascinates me more than a storm with a blizzard on the NW side and a MDT risk to the east...

I agree with Rob - We had winter weather discussions last year, yet we still managed to have a good severe weather forum (although, it was a quiet season).

As for who chases winter storms? I have gone up to the UP to catch lake effect. I know Hollingshead chases wind storms and other cool/extreme weather. Dan Robinson seems to make his way around the area... There are others, but just naming the few off the top of my head. Why ruin a good experience for everyone?
I honestly don't think any chaser cares about a regular 6-inch snowfall in anyone's backyard. A storm that produces SVR-criteria wind gusts and +24 inches of snowfall is definitely worth a mention, on the other hand.

Yes, but this is "after the fact" thinking. You can't limit all of the topics to "24 inches of snow", since you can't possibly know the fallen amount in advance. That would be the same as only allowing SVR forecast threads that "contain at least an F3". Every thread starts with a forecast, and that forecast has a bust potential. The NAM called for over 40 inches in MO with this current system, yet only 18 (and isolated higher) fell - how would we have known whether or not it wasn't going to meet the 24 inch criteria?
Well, it is winter. There's clearly an interest in this type of weather this time of year. Especially with the lack of severe thunderstorms overall in the CONUS. Most of the people interested in severe thunderstorms are also interested in other aspects of weather.

My feeling is if you don't like the topic of a thread, then save yourself the angst and pain of making that click.
Roger Hill, a member of this board chases blizzards and Silver Lining Tours may start offering on call Blizzard Tours. Being from the South, North Carolina, I have NEVER seen a blizzard but will take a blizzard tour at the first opportunity. Ed
Roger Hill, a member of this board chases blizzards and Silver Lining Tours may start offering on call Blizzard Tours. Being from the South, North Carolina, I have NEVER seen a blizzard but will take a blizzard tour at the first opportunity. Ed

Not to get too offtopic, but I can assure you -- here on the plains, most people think that tornado chasers are crazy, but they can half understand them. However, if a vanload of "Blizzard Chasers" ever show up, I'm pretty sure it's going to be seen by most locals as a sign that the end of the world can't be too far around the corner! ;)