Originally posted by Joe Nield+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Joe Nield)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Billy Griffin
While I do not agree with the forecaster, and I do not appreciate some of the comments fired back and the language, if you want to say I was insulting or criticising the forecaster, so be it.
If you just wanted everyone to agree with you, you picked the wrong place to sign up. You have to roll with the punches, buddy. What language? Maybe I missed a post where someone got out of line, but there's no need to take offense because people disagree with you.
Hell, I'm a democrat in Indiana. If anyone knows that, it's me.
Most play well together here on Stormtrack. I enjoy Joe's insight and knowledge of weather, even though he is a dem and a Colts fan. *nudges Joe* LOL!
Everyone on this board knows that meteorology is not an exact science. If you think otherwise, you have no business here. This site talks about REAL weather, forecasting and chasing. Remember, a majority of the public looks upon us weather folks as 'odd' or 'nerdy' until a storm cloud rolls in...then they want us to read the sky for their fate in life, like tea leaves. Or, be in my position.
My husband talks me up as a 'weather whore', so some people laugh AT me for my love of weather and poke some mean-spirited fun at me in general. When the wind starts to blow or clouds darken, my email and PM light up like Dec 25th, all asking if they are about to be taken off the face of the earth. I give them what I interpret NWS and what little models I understand, in my own words (they know I am not a pro, just a person who loves weather and chasing). When nothing (or little) happens, are they thankful? Noooo, they are mad because nothing happend. I am about as green of a hobbyist forecaster as you can get (far from a degreed pro), but even I get tired of the "weather guessers are the only people who keep their jobs after being wrong most of the time" BS too.
Meteorology is the Rodney Dangerfield (RIP) of careers and hobbys.
The folks at the SPC (like the TPC guys who are in their 'season' now too) work hard to keep the masses safe and those with an ounce of weather savvy informed. Hats off to the job these folks do day in and day out.
Analyzing and dissecting a professional forecast here is expected, attacking a forecaster (one who does this for a living, the degreed professional)....not cool at all.
Last time I checked, a watch meant conditions were ripe (not guaranteed) for severe weather in a boxed area. Forecast discussions are just as has been stated before...one forecaster's take on the dynamics of the atmosphere at one point in time, and projecting their thoughts on where those same dynamics will be in the near future.
My advice to those whom don't like what the pros are anticipating...learn to read the data and forecast for your own bad self.