? for wxworx users

Jun 12, 2004
South East Wisconsin
How do I get the county warnings to go away when the warning is done?
The warning will come up (red or yellow color in the county) fine, but it will stay there until I shut down the system. After a day of chasing, every county that had a warning at some point during the day is still lit up. How do I get the colored warning to go away when the warning is expired?

Doug Raflik
[email protected]
Originally posted by Doug Raflik
How do I get the county warnings to go away when the warning is done?
The warning will come up (red or yellow color in the county) fine, but it will stay there until I shut down the system. After a day of chasing, every county that had a warning at some point during the day is still lit up. How do I get the colored warning to go away when the warning is expired?

Doug Raflik
[email protected]

I have run in to that a couple of times. A few weeks ago when we were up in NW KS it had warnings built up for 3 days and I contacted customer service and after some investigating he said he didn't know why it was keeping the old ones, but as soon as I was where I had internet connection to call him back and he would jack in to my computer and find out what the deal was.

About 2 hours later they all cleared themselves. Closing and reopening the program never cleared it.

The system automatically gets rid of old data. Restarting wxworx helps but sometimes it is stubborn. I've never seen it stay for more than a few hrs past an actual warnings expiration. You can also try to reload warnings...


A lot of the same problems your having are the ones that I have been having. I found that you need to power down the system when your done using it to clear the memory out.
I sent this question into thier support e-mail, and after 3 days I have gotten no response. Not surprising really. I have found the tech support from them to be WAY sub par. It STINKS.

Got this reply (edited)

"I had a talk with the programmers and they told me that you might want to check your date and time properties on your computer."

My time was set to pacific time zone. I changed it, so now we will see if it works.

Doug Raflik
The time zone set on your computer is definately a major factor with XM & Wxworx. If you time is not set right even withen a few minutes, certain weather products on MTN don't work. I experienced this when I was chasing a few months ago. While in the field, I realized that I had not set my computer from pacific time to CDT (I'm from CA). Anyways, I set to the new time and then everything went crazy. Radar and almost everything else did not work. It took me the rest of the day to figure this out. I tried reinstalling the software, called wxworx no body could figure it out. I had remembered setting the time ahead 2 hrs. I put it back and it worked. Baron had never heard of this issue until I brought it up. Now, I have heard that Baron tells people about this time issue when they experience problems. My feeling is this, where ever you live in the country and your XM account is billed to, that is your working time zone. Wxworx does not like it if the time is not right. The problem is a combination between xm and the time stamp on wxworx...