Mike Hollingshead
Here it is, unedited.... photobucket resized it because it was too big.
Would also like to add it was not raining where I was taking the shots. To answer Mike's question, no I didn't.
On the back of your rebel there should be a button towards the upper right hand side. There are two right next to each other. The left one is the exposure lock(it has a * sign right above it). To the right of it there is a box with a row of 3 boxes inside it going left to right and another row going up and down. Push that right button while looking into the viewfinder. When you push it the dots or dot should turn red. If they are all red(which I assume they are) then it is using them all to find the right exposure as well as using them to focus. After pushing it and while they are red scroll the dial and you can see it switch from all to one at a time. I always have it so the middle one is red. That point/dot will be what will decide your exposure and where it focuses. It is important to notice where you have that when taking the shots since it will now expose for that location. Alot of times I'll just exposure lock with that dot on the sky and offset the compensation some(to the right). I'm sure that is why it wouldn't focus on the light source. You'll only have to change it the one time as it will stay there until you change it.