Mike Peregrine
Just to update river levels ... check out KC's this morning - well above flood stage. Here is St. Joseph, which appears to have leveled out at crest now.
Well the Nishnabotna in SW Iowa is still rising. They are sandbagging near the levees in Hamburg, IA and I-29 has now been closed from MM110 in Missouri north to MM10 in Iowa as the river has overflowed the banks there. Also didn't help that there was another levee break somewhere just south of the IA/MO border.
Mark, I'm confused by your statement of a levee break. When a levee breaks, it typically alleviates the stage 'inside' the river channel, thus river levels go down. When the levee breaks, this allows flood waters to flow 'out' of the river channel, unfortunately into areas where you don't want the flood waters to go, hence the levee. If the river is still rising at Hamburg, it means that a levee hasn't broken yet. FWIW, it looks as if the river at Hamburg is cresting now around 32.5 feet. The levee is overtopped at Hamburg at 33 feet.
Those are some great images Mike and cstrunk. Mike, I believe the photos you had where you were unsure of the location were from the West side of the same bridge that cstrunk photographed. You would have been right next to the old drive-in theater on old Highway 2. I think the only thing left to indicate it was there are the 2 small brick walls indicating the entrance.
I can't ever remember the water crossing Ferguson Road there, even in 93. Amazing..