First Aid Kits: Got one?

Jan 27, 2005
Seward/Lincoln, NE
I guess without ever seeing or asking for a straw poll in the past, I'm not sure what percentage of us actually have a first aid kit in their chase vehicles. After hearing the Twister Sisters' disccussion of their May 22, 2004 experience outside of Wilber, NE, it definitely reminded me that although we don't wish for any harm opon anyone when we're chasing, it's a very distinct possiblity that in certain situations, many of us will be called upon to be "first responders", simply because of our close proximity to an affected area.

So if you haven't yet done so, I would simply pass along a reminder that as we get all of our gadgets and gizmos ready for the season, take time to chack or update your first aid kit. If you don't have one, I think it is an essential component of any chase vehicle. Also, throw in a good flashlight, a blanket or two, and some extra water.

Just throwing it out there.

You never want to have to use it, but you also never want to be without it when you need it.
I keep a medical kit it my vehicle at all times and have for many years (updated when needed). I have never had to use it for myself but I have used it at traffic accidents.
I've kept a first aid kit in my car since before I started chasing. You never know when it might come in handy. Fortunately, I've never had to use it. I've also started keeping a fire extinguisher in the trunk. Last summer I had to use that when the exhaust fan in my bathroom shorted and caught fire. Having that fire extinguisher may very well have prevented my house from being severely damaged (we've had it burnt and flooded alread). Having a basic first-aid kit (check at least once a year), a fire extinguisher, a blanket, a flashlight, and water is a great idea not only for chasing but for every day driving.

Yep, always keep a big first aid kit in my vehicle. Chasing or not, you never know when it will be needed.
Include a CPR mask in your first aid kit. This allows you to do mouth to mouth respirations on someone while minimizing risk to ones self. This is especially necessary since lightning can cause initial respiratory arrest yet there is little or no injury to the victim. Prolonged CPR can save a life (including that of a fellow storm chaser and lightning strike victim.)

Bill Hark
Include a CPR mask in your first aid kit. This allows you to do mouth to mouth respirations on someone while minimizing risk to ones self. This is especially necessary since lightning can cause initial respiratory arrest yet there is little or no injury to the victim. Prolonged CPR can save a life (including that of a fellow storm chaser and lightning strike victim.)

Bill Hark

Got one too!
All very well having a first aid kit.
Make sure you know how to use it!
Do a first aid course if you get the chance- don't want people later trying a lawsuit saying you don't know what you are doing.

I carry a first aid kit,space blanket, cpr mask amonst other things at all times and have done First aid courses because of work.
Emergency items

I always have a first aid kit on board, especially if I'm away from home. Mine also has the CPR mask and other goodies.

As hinted on, some other emergency type items should also be considered; a blanket, shovel (mine is a military folding type), candles, tire inflater, flares, flashlight etc. I also have a small selection of tools appropriate for my vehicle along with me, as well as other items that can effect temporary repairs (duct tape is wonderful stuff).

Membership with an auto club might also be a good idea; nothing worse than being stranded in the boonies with a burst rad hose (yes, I had this happen).