Finally nailed storm + moon


Andrew, the storm was just a one-cell in a larger complex of evening monsoon high-based t-storms in the desert. One thing that the shot does illustrate is the characteristic hit-and-miss style of desert storms...rainy one block...dry just down the street.

The scene was there just for a minute or two, then the whole deal was gone. I actually have two slides of it, slightly different. I was really trying for the fan palms too because I really like palm trees as well.

Monsoon storms are quite unpredictable actually. You never know what will happen or where. Chasing a lot, the miles, every chance, it really helps with monsoon.
Great conquest, congrat's.

My personal quest is to get the perfect downtown shot.
I got closer to it last month and can't wait for more chances.

I couldn't get the storm and moon to coperate with this one.
It tries to come out on the left side.

Just an odd ball one

It's always good to see through others eyes and that little extra that we sometimes overlook while we are out.
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Excelent shot, Susan!

Here is one bolt+moon pic I took this year near Eastland, TX on May 13th:


Such images like moon+bolt, bolt+stars or bolts over clear sky always impress me.