Discovery is looking for a storm chasing couple

Dec 21, 2005
For this coming season we were looking to follow a couple that storm chases...

Production asked me if I knew anyone...the only couple I remember frequently seeing on the road is a couple that I don't know the names of...yes...this is where it gets I try to physically describe them...sorry...

The man is in his mid thirties, 6' 1", brown hair. The woman is in her early to mid thirties, 5' 9", long brown hair.. I seem to remember them chasing in a dark SUV and the last time I saw them was at the Pancake house in Liberal, late May 07.

I appreciate any leads.


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Hi Sean,
My girlfriend and I have yet to chase (we met in August) together, but we plan to a lot this coming year. It was our love of chasing that brought us together.

We're very interested!

Dann Cianca
It was quite amusing when my girlfriend had a panic attach during a tornado warning. I'm sure for the right price I could convince her to come back out with me to the plains.
I came across a couple a fews years back that fit the couple you described. I did not get the names, but I remember they were from Phoenix.
Take a picture of yourself in a dress and a blonde wig, lying next to a suitcase full of large bills, then post it in this thread...and I'll think about it.
Having seen and read about the questionable "reality" of the final product, one must wonder why they don't just hire actors to portray the roles they're wanting. It's obvious the real deal isn't interesting enough.
There is a couple from Fremont, Indiana that go out to the plains for most of the season...if I find their names, I'll PM you... I know they have been doing this for at least ten seasons. I always run into them at skywarn and other weather training.
Me and my ex (current roommate and still a good friend, however) are going to be chasing together for the first time whenever she can get off of work - which might be the biggest hindrance given she has a M-F 8-5er; however, she has two weeks off beginning in June and we're going to spend the whole time chasing if my OWN boss doesn't take back the likelihood that I'll just be grading for the summer semester.
Ooh pick me and BooBoo...we're easily the hottest storm chasing couple around ;)...BooBoo hasn't exactly chased before, but she absolutely loves getting soaking wet...
