Dear Mods,

Oct 29, 2004
Olathe Kansas
In NO WAY, should a moderator be able to change my avatar. That is an abuse of power and the person in question should not have the privilege to change it. I have a screen capture, in case it's gone in the morning. I can think of who did it.....but don't want to name any names. It's sad that a moderator would OBVIOUSLY do this. Can't even express my own opinion of a silly FOOTBALL game without a MODERATOR changing my avatar. Sad, sad. Ta, ta,


Texas 5-0 Choklahoma 2-3
I would definitely say that is an abuse of power although if I was able to do that I would have went for all the George Clinton avatars instead of messing with Dick's longhorn oklahoma domination avatar ;)
Dear Dick,

I did it... all in good fun. Lighten up man!

And for those that didn't see:


Tweaked a bit ;)

I tried changing it back for you, but I think you need to be logged off for it to work. It keeps trying to replace it with the tweaked one. I'll try a bit later if you don't get to it first.

I guess you win Aaron. After all, you are THE moderator, and are allowed to mess with people's avatars/posts/whatever.

Oh BTW: I have been informed by a racist ST member (OU Student, not a moderator) that I should change my avatar.

It's all in good fun.
most OU fans got over this. :wink:
WHY do the nuances of a select few football fans have to spill over onto the "Site Discussion" section of Stormtrack??

I spent the entire weekend wandering around the Texas State Fair, and 99% of the time I was forced to read slogans on t-shirts stating "F*CK TEXAS" or "F*CK OKLAHOMA" - and they were t-shirts which unfortunately did NOT star-out some of the letters. While I could have just ignored them, I couldn't help but wonder how I'd feel if we were leading our proverbial 5-year-old around the Fair. Now THAT'S the sort of thing that should be deemed as offensive!

I was hoping to be able to return tow ork etc. this morning and forget about THE GAME......but, apparently not. :roll:

What I believe Dick is referring to is my suggestion that he change his avatar to reflect a particular portion of Vince Young's anatomy. Of course, that was all in good fun too. If you are on #stormchase later he will be giving a detailed account of our PM conversation, likely leaving out the parts that make him look like the bad guy.

In addition, I will not be able to get into graduate school now because Mr. McGowan has apparently mass emailed the entire OU staff with a quote containing my use of a racial slur. Woe is me. :cry:
What I believe Dick is referring to is my suggestion that he change his avatar to reflect a particular portion of Vince Young's anatomy. Of course, that was all in good fun too. If you are on #stormchase later he will be giving a detailed account of our PM conversation, likely leaving out the parts that make him look like the bad guy.

In addition, I will not be able to get into graduate school now because Mr. McGowan has apparently mass emailed the entire OU staff with a quote containing my use of a racial slur. Woe is me. :cry:

All in good fun is calling someone the "N" word???!!!!??!??! And I think you are stretching the truth about being me being the bad guy. I hope you make it to graduate school buddy. Maybe some day you can have a tour group with your "N" word in it. I'm done arguing with a simple-minded fool. Keep spreading the hate.
Dick - Michael.... take it off board.

Karen: You live in the southern half of the US! College football is one of the country's largest past times, and the OU-TX shootout is one of the biggest rivarlies! I'd get use to it... it won't be going away any time soon. Just wait till OU/OSU comes around.

1) I apologize for the changes that were made to your avatar. Moderators are only allowed to make administrative changes to the system due to a TOS violation or a legitimate user request. I am making it explicitly clear that no further changes will be tolerated.

2) The hostile overtones regarding the OU/Texas game are degenerating into personal attacks. There is zero tolerance. I will personally kick anyone off the board who starts a flame war or participates in one.

3) I am releasing the lock on this thread providing the football thread is taken elsewhere. Please consider the avatar matter closed, as this will not happen again.

I hate getting into this, but I am going to anyway. IF THE MASS EMAIL THING IS TRUE, that is unbelievably inappropriate.