This is one that leaves me scratching my head as well; is there an answer? Fisherman's dilemma?
Often it is exactly like what David said; they always seem cool with it...for awhile. I am always totally honest about it up front and it is a very obvious part of my life. But as relationships progress, inevitably someone wants to whittle the chase time away. That just won't do for me.
I once had a guy tell me that he was the ideal man for me. We had known each other for years as friends, so he was well aware of my "avocation". Then one day he said, "it's only a few months a year, right?" At that point I realized he is NOT the ideal man for me, even though we were great friends. He saw an image of me of something he wanted, but not the true person, lightning bolts, blowing sand, and all.
Good friends we were...but not a match. So off he went, and is now happily married to a nice girl who does not feel the need to drive into the Central Deserts at 3am because the sky starts flashing. And I'm happily single, because I drive into the Central Deserts at 3am because the sky starts flashing.
So I guess there is an answer, be true to your core nature and you'll attract the right match, at least you'll have a better chance eventually. It might take awhile...but the alternative is worse. I will never date someone who secretly wants to change me...from chasing, to my political views, spiritual beliefs, love of the outdoors, the way I dress or do my hair. That tells me that either the man doesn't see me as who I really am, or does see me but wants me to be someone else, which is a really negative way to live and won't do.
Maybe the secret is to date someone who is comfortable enough in his/her own life that he or she will just love you for who you are as well, even if you do set your watch to UTC. And, he or she will enjoy your respect of his/her hobbies, passions, or line of work in kind. That's only fair after all.
Hard to find, but at least there is hope.