• After witnessing the continued decrease of involvement in the SpotterNetwork staff in serving SN members with troubleshooting issues recently, I have unilaterally decided to terminate the relationship between SpotterNetwork's support and Stormtrack. I have witnessed multiple users unable to receive support weeks after initiating help threads on the forum. I find this lack of response from SpotterNetwork officials disappointing and a failure to hold up their end of the agreement that was made years ago, before I took over management of this site. In my opinion, having Stormtrack users sit and wait for so long to receive help on SpotterNetwork issues on the Stormtrack forums reflects poorly not only on SpotterNetwork, but on Stormtrack and (by association) me as well. Since the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, I no longer wish for the Stormtrack forum to be associated with SpotterNetwork.

    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

    From this moment forward, the SpotterNetwork sub-forum has been hidden/deleted and there will be no assurance that any SpotterNetwork issues brought up in any of Stormtrack's other sub-forums will be addressed. Do not rely on Stormtrack for help with SpotterNetwork issues.

    Sincerely, Jeff D.

Creation of a Chaser Database - Thoughts?

I noticed some profiles on Dan's site were outdated. How do you keep track of who is still at this adress and who is not at this adress anymore etc? Unless the person updates his profile there is no way of telling if the information he/she posted is still good and that makes the quality of the chaser database go down. A idea would be to send out a e-mail every year and remind everyone they still have a profile in the storm chaser database. That means more work though.

As I recall it is up to each chaser to update their own profile. There are separate links to modify / update a profile.
Not to mention the registered Yahoos that will inevitably end up on this database. Last I checked, I have never seen a "check here if you're a Yahoo" on any chase-related application or form I've ever seen.

:D Surely most of us would never consider ourselves Yahoos unless we took a test or something to score it. I was surprised in another thread where someone came up with the concept of a Yahoo rating (Y0-Y5) (similar to Fujita Scale) that I was a Y4. :D Not that I am now. Like tornadoes Yahoo effectiveness level and strength comes and goes based on the particular situation and environment. I like to think I've improved in the Yahoo factor...but does one ever really know for sure?