Creation of a Chaser Database - Thoughts?

Mar 19, 2005
Independence, MO
Greetings all,
I know that this idea has been kicked around for a number of years, but now I think is the time to take action and create it. Solo chasing has been becoming more and more impractical for several years now, and with gas prices rapidly approaching $4 a gallon, solo chasing this year is likely to be limited to mostly local (<200 mile chases). For the great majority of chasers, the best option is to convoy, or 'chasepool', a term I have recently coined for this type of chasing, with other chasers.
The benefits of chasepooling are many. The biggest consideration, naturally, is the fuel and motel costs, particularly the fuel. The average 1000 mile solo chase costs somewhere in the neighborhood of $175, when gas/motel and food costs are all added up.
But if you split that two, three, or even four or more ways, chasing is suddenly affordable again!
Other considerations include being able to switch drivers to avoid the inevitable driving fatigue that comes with long chases, having someone or several someones to navigate and interpret the latest data while the driver focuses on the road, and having a second, third, etc. opinion when making critical chase decisions.
But finding other chasers in your backyard and getting ahold of them isn't always the easiest task. I say this from personal experience, and I know that many of you echo those sentiments.
What I am about to propose would take all the stress and legwork out of trying to find other local chasers to chasepool with.
Of what do I speak?
I am talking about a national storm chaser database, which, naturally, would be known as The National Storm Chaser Database (NSCD). It would be my hope that the NSCD be a subcategory of the ST Forum, just like Target Area or The Chaser Bar and Grill.

What exactly would the NSCD entail? Let me show you how this would work...

The first part of the database entry would be, of course, the chaser's name and /or nicknames they go by. The names in the database would be alphabetized by last name.

The second part of the entry would be the chaser's contact information. You would have the options of providing your home/cell number, email, IM handles, you could even list your website or blog if you wanted to.
You would use a star (*) by your preferred method of contact.

The third part would be the location where the chaser lives, i.e. Pretty Prairie, KS, Blewett, TX or Oblong, IL (all real towns, btw). Chasers who reside in the U.S. would be categorized by the state they live in, in alphabetical order.
International members would be likewise alphabetized, but listed by the country they live in instead of the state.

The third part would be the chaser's level of experience. There will be 5 ranks in my proposal, which would be based on years of chase experience, not necessarily indicitive of meteorlogical prowess:
Newbie - no chase experience or <2 years of chase experience)
Amateur - 2 to 5 years of chase experience
Semi-Veteran - 5 to 10 years chase experience
Veteran - 10 to 20 years of chase experience
Storm Chasing God - 20+ years of chase experience :D

The fourth section would list the vehicle the chaser chases with, i.e. a 1997 Toyota Corolla, 2002 Nissan Xterra, et. al. This detail would be provided so you would know that if you were just going to go on a local chase with less than 300 miles of driving and just two or three people, you could cram into Chaser X's eocnomy car for a few hours; if you're looking at an all day chase, with between 300-600 miles and two to four people, you might want to take Chaser Y's comfy midsize sedan for the day. However, if you're planning on taking a multi-day chase trip with 3 or more people, you might want to pile into Chaser Z's roomy big suv/minivan.

The sixth section would be the chaser's equipment list. This would be provided so if Chaser X decides he wants to 'chasepool' with Chaser Y, he can go look at Chaser Y's equipment list and if he see's that Chaser Y doesn't have a scanner, and Chaser X does, he knows to bring that along on the chase.

The seventh and final section would be the chaser's availability. Some of us are lucky enough to be extremely flexible in our school/work schedules, while others are far less fortunate. There would be four levels of availability - Always Available, Flexible, Somewhat Flexible, Limitedly Available

Here's a sample entry I created to give you an idea of what an entry in the database would look like:

Name: Mark 'Storm' Farnik

Location: Denver, Colorado, USA

Contact Information:
Cell - 970-768-7989*
Email - [email protected]
Blog - Stormgeek's Raging Skies Blog,
(* indicates preferred method of contact)

Chase Experience: Amateur (3 years)

Chase Vehicle: 1998 Subaru Forester S AWD

Chase Equipment: Scanner, laptop with GRLVL3, Cascade Rockies Wi-Fi amplifier, Panasonic Mini-DV 3CCD camcorder, Nikon D200 camera

Chaser Availibility - Flexible

So that's the NSCD in a nutshell. I think this has great potential to be beneficial to all members of the storm chasing community, and I would love to get as much feedback as possible on this.

Thoughts, suggestions and commentary are strongly encouraged.
I think this is a very well thought of idea, though I do have a suggestion:

Instead of having this on a forum, how about a password protected website? That way contact information is not readily available to just about anybody and one would have to go through a registration process and be approved by, say a moderator, before they can post their information or look through other's information? A picture of each member would be helpful too.

Certainly this would beat the recurrence of the Chase Partner Thread every year.
Just a thought but I do not think your ranks of experience needs to go past Veteran. 10+ years says enough about one's experience and having a storm chaser god rank would be going overboard in my oppiniun.
The website is a fantastic idea, Ben! I had kind of wondered about putting this information out for just ANYONE to look at. I have an ugly feeling that if this information isn't on a password only site available to registered members of the chasing community, I can only imagine the Pandora's Box that would be opened if yahoos found out there was a place where they freely view the contact information of chasers in their neck of the woods, and they spread the word to other yahoos... we'd be having to change our phone numbers/emails every other week. We could never drive anywhere near a thunderstorm without yahoos going 'Hey, there's Chaser X's car! Lets follow him and harass him for information every time he pulls of to the side of the road!' Eventually, we'd have to hire bodyguards in decoy vehicles identical to our own to keep the yahoos from hounding us like lost puppies, which could get very pricey in a big hurry. In short, it would be a complete and utter disaster for the chasing community.:mad:
So it goes without saying that the NSCD needs to be on a password protected, registered members only site.
I think a registration process similar to the one used by ST would be sufficient, and seeing as that I'm the brains behind this concept, I would be more than willing to take on the task of helping to moderate the site, but I can't do it alone. I'd imagine some of our ST moderators wouldn't have a problem with helping me out on that. I'll also need help with setting up the site, web coding is an alien language to me:rolleyes:
I think the pix are an excellent suggestion as well. This will help significantly with putting names with faces.

I was momentarily seriously tempted to rename the database Mychase,:D but I'm not exactly keen on getting sued for copyright infringement, so we'll just keep it as the NSCD.:cool:

EDIT - Matthew, fwiw, I was being extremely facetious about the Storm Chaser God ranking.
You can be assured that when the database is actually created, Veteran will be the highest ranking you can achieve. Your input on that is appreciated.
There are a LOT more chasers out there in this world than participate on ST. I think this site would in fact be a big plus for the overall chase community.

Go for it!
I like the idea also but

Going back a number of years, I remember a few different sources of ways to get a list of chasers. Back when I started chasing around 1997, it wasn't hard to keep track of the number of "active" plains chasers. These days the list would be quite extensive, and how to set the criteria. If you include local chasers (that only chase their local area) the list could get huge.

The other problem is updating and tracking. One of the reasons (I suspect, but don't know for sure) that many of the previous lists/databases didnt' continue was the information got old and out-dated. It would take quite a dedicated person to set this up, maintain it, etc. I think the fact we have a few the keep this site and others running well is a blessing.

I don't want to be negative about it. Like I said, I'd love to see, but I just want to make sure it is a realistic goal.
There used to a database (more of a directory) of chaser on the old ST back in the day...which was a 2001. FYI, if I can ever get it to work, I'm actually working on a Yahoo!-style directory for links to chasers' websites on my own site.

I can't get the stupid software to work though. This is my project for this week.
There already is a storm chaser database. It was created about 4 or 5 years ago. There was also another one 'Who's Who In Storm Chasing' hosted on Stormtrack before that was run by Dixon (I forget the first name). I forget who runs the current one, but I think I have a book mark...let me check. Ah, here it is: . I believe it is run by Dan Robinson. Speaking of that I'm not sure I ever put an entry in. Maybe I did, but I think I got stuck on counting tornadoes. That was back then. I really don't know how many there are more to count. Yep, just verified..I still need to add my entry. Doh!

Anyway, it is a pretty good database. Perhaps it needs to be more obviously linked from ST, or maybe it is somewhere. There is also another site that has a map where chaser names and there location pops up on the map. I would have to find that as well. - I can't find the link to that one. Perhaps someone else can help remind me.
Dan Robinson created an extensive chaser data base in 2003, but it disappeared after a few years.
There already is a storm chaser database. It was created about 4 or 5 years ago. There was also another one 'Who's Who In Storm Chasing' hosted on Stormtrack before that was run by Dixon (I forget the first name).
That would be me. It was originally created by someone in HTML. I volunteered and made it into a database-backed application in ASP. I should bring up the old file, import it into MYSQL and throw it back up there, just for grins. Not sure there's as much need for such a thing nowadays though.
I noticed some profiles on Dan's site were outdated. How do you keep track of who is still at this adress and who is not at this adress anymore etc? Unless the person updates his profile there is no way of telling if the information he/she posted is still good and that makes the quality of the chaser database go down. A idea would be to send out a e-mail every year and remind everyone they still have a profile in the storm chaser database. That means more work though.
Its a good idea, but a much bigger project than you'd probably care to take on. I think the extensive usage of the internet has pretty well offset the need to do anything like this. Many attempts have come and gone, some would be great if working today (Dan's), but alas, too much.

As for the Yahoo problem... that's probably a bit extreme :eek: ... most chasers post their contact information quite freely over the net as it is. Hell, even some like me post their live whereabouts for the entire world to see. Whether a database gets established or not, I doubt the need to keep it under wraps is necessary. Not to mention the registered Yahoos that will inevitably end up on this database. Last I checked, I have never seen a "check here if you're a Yahoo" on any chase-related application or form I've ever seen.

Again, a good idea, but has come and gone more than enough times. Not to mention that the several databases I show up in, I have to remember to update that myself, and as shown on the few still visible, that hasn't happened in quite some time.