Crazy weather!

Mar 5, 2004
Des Moines, Iowa
... wow. Talk about the most boring, quiet, pleasant weather in the world. Highs in the mid 70's to upper 80's for the last couple weeks. Barely a drop of rain from the sky...
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... wow. Talk about the most boring, quiet, pleasant weather in the world. Highs in the mid 70's to upper 80's for the last couple weeks. Barely a drop of rain from the sky...

... Anyone else in the midwest suffering from the lack of... storms... rain... wind... heck, I'd go for some nifty looking -clouds- right now.

Yeah, this is sooooo boring. I can remember some active Septembers in the past, midwest-wise. It wasn't too long ago either, but this is ridiculous. I'm hoping we get some thunderstorms in October, or we'll have to wait for March or later. It looks like there will be hella-snow this winter, especially for the Great Lakes area. I'd like to see some good storms before that starts. Not to wish hell on anyone, but it would be cool if some tropical remnants from a Gulf storm took a southerly flow on up here, and rocked the midwest Gilbert-style. :D At least there would be something interesting then.
well maybe you could consider a drought exciting. if we don't get any more rain this month i think this will be the second driest september on record.

damn lack of rain is killing all the lawns i mow :x
Geez, Ivan came straight at me......soaked all around me but not one drop of rain here. Had to drag out the sprinkler, that sucks.

Hey Shane, come mow my lawn, you charge under $18? :D
Actually, things are quite the opposite here in Denver.. we've had thunderstorms at least weekly all of this month, including reports of small hail in Aurora Saturday with the passage of some strong storms. Even had some hail Thursday here downtown, pea-sized, but still. Its been abnormally busy here.. I know folks in the Plains are use to fall storms, but here in Denver, we're not. Been a nice treat with all the lightning and thunder this month; hope it continues a bit longer! :)
Haven't checked out how this all will afect Alberta Canada,but we had our
first snowstorm a week or two before fall started.Will start watching out
for marine weather bombs off Vancouver Island in the next few weeks.
What I find interesting was the fact that Alaska was having many days of >90F temps this summer, while here in Detroit, we only hit 90F a few times, with mostly very cool conditions (record setting at times)...

Colin: When do you guys usually have your first snowstorm? To me 2 weeks before fall seems early, but of course, I'm quite a bit further south...
This dry warm weather has also effected S Ontario. This warm weather is unusual in its lack of humidity. Typical afternoon temps/dews 80/50 very large dew piont depression. Typical values for our summer heat waves more like 90/75. Even more unusual...almost all precipitatable water confined to below 850 mb, with very dry mid-troposphere. PW's as low as 0.4 inches: very low for highs near 80. A few of our warm, muggy spells this summer had high RH up to 500 mb, with PW's up around 2.0 inches.
September update for Grand Rapids Michigan 09/27/04

We are 4.6 degrees above normal
14 days out of 27 days with Highs of 80 or better.
21 days out of 27 days with Above Normal High Temps
Normal High Today: is 67

We are 3.44 inches below normal
Rainfall this month only 0.48 inches
Last good rainfall was September 6
We had measureable rainfall .01 inches or more 3 times

16 out of 27 days we had 90 percent of the possible sunshine
15 Clear Days, 11 Partly Cloudy Days and 1 Cloudy Day

Summary: Above normal temperatures, lack of rainfall, and plenty of sun.
While August we had below normal temperatures, and plenty of clouds.

It's been raining nearly constantly for the last several days around the south plains of west Texas. Some areas have received over 6 inches of rain in the past week. Many counties have been under flood watches/warnings for several days. This isn't bad news, however cotton farmers now need it to dry out so they can start making preparations to harvest.
To Answer Roberts question,Alberta has had snow in all months of the
year.Snow that stays around normaly starts in November.
To add to my eariler post, we had storms last night that dumped over an inch of hail in Highlands Ranch. Storms fired north, moved south through Fort Collins and into Denver. As my Monday Night Football game was starting, the T-Storm Warnings came over the screen.

Here's the Story from Channel 9News, Denver, Colorado

Crazy weather continues here in Denver.. definately not use to seeing stuff like this in Denver this late in the year!