Cradlepoint PHS300 on Woot

Mar 30, 2008
Norman, OK has a Cradlepoint PHS300 on today. This is a wifi router for your mobile broadband cards. If you don't have one yet, I would highly suggest getting one. $99.99 is a good price, as 3gstore is selling these for $139.99.

I have the Cradlepoint CTR350 and cannot be happier. This is similar, but a little different design and it also comes with a battery.

This deal is today only, and woot may sell out of these at any time. If you want to get this, pull the trigger as quickly as possible.

Here is a list of compatible cards:
3 (UK)

Huawei E156G
Huawei E156G/3

Franklin CDU-550
Huawei EC168/C
Huawei EC228
Pantech UM175
UTStarcom UM150
(Pantech UM150)

2Option QuickSilver
Sierra Wireless 881U
Sierra Wireless 875U
USBConnect 881
USBConnect Mercury
USBConnect Ligntning (Sierra USB 305)
Sierra USB 306

2Option GT Max 3.6 Express
2Option GT Ultra Express

HP iPaq 910
Motorola RAZR v3xx
Motorola Q v9h
Samsung Blackjack
Samsung SGH-A707
Bell (Canada)

Novatel U760
Novatel MC998D


Novatel Wireless MC760D (U760)
Clear 4G

When using the Clear WiMAX network, the following Modem Firmware must be loaded onto the CradlePoint Router.

Download Clear Modem Firmawre 5.2.206

Clear USB Modem (W100)
Franklin U300 (3G and 4G)
Clear 4G USB Modem (Ubee PXU1900)
Comcast HighSpeed2Go

When using the Comcast WiMAX network, the following Modem Firmware must be loaded onto the CradlePoint Router.

Download Clear Modem Firmawre 5.2.206

Franklin U300 (3G and 4G)

Calcomp a600
UTStarcomm UM100
Pantech UM185
BridgeMAXX 4G (Digital Bridge)

E-Mobile (Japan)


Franklin CDU-680

Kyocera KPC680
NTT Docomo (Japan)

LG L-02A
O2 (UK)

Sierra Wirless Compass 889U
Orange (UK)

Huawei E160E
Pioneer Cellular

Franklin CDU-680
Sierra Wireless USB 598

Sierra Wireless Aircard 402
Rogers (Canada)

Novatel MC950D
ZTE MF636 (Rocket Stick)

Novatel X950D
Softbank (Japan)

Softbank C01LC
Generic UMTS/GSM Devices

These devices were tested using the AT&T network in the United States and may or may not work with other UMTS/GSM carriers internationally.

Huawei E220
Huawei E160E - Orange Branded
Novatel MC930D
Novatel MC950D
Sierra Wireless 880U
Sierra Wireless 885U
(Compass 885)

Sierra Wireless 880E
Huawei E870
Huawei E870 - Orange Branded
Generic CDMA Devices

These devices were tested on CDMA networks that have approved these devices for use around the world and may or may not work with carriers that have approved them for use on their networks. For specific information, please the carrier you are looking for usage approval of these devices on their network.

Huawei EC168C
Sierra Wireless USB 598

Sierra Wireless Aircard 402

When using the Sprint WiMAX network, the following Modem Firmware must be loaded onto the CradlePoint Router

Download Sprint Modem Firmawre 5.2.206

Franklin U300
Franklin U301

Franklin CDU-680
Novatel MiFi 2200
Novatel U720
Novatel U727
Novatel U760
Sierra Wireless 595U
Sierra Wireless Compass 597U
Sierra Wireless Compass 598U

Novatel EX720
Novatel C777
Sierra Wireless Aircard 402
Sierra Wireless 597E

1HTC Touch
1HTC Mogul (6800)
1HTC Apache (6700)
LG Fusic LX-500
LG Muziq
Motorola KRZR
Motorola RAZR V3c
Motorola RAZR2
Motorola Q
Motorola Q9c
Palm Centro
Palm 700w
Palm 755p
Samsung A900
Samsung A900M
Samsung A920
Samsung ACE
Samsung i830
Samsung SPH-m520
Sanyo SCP-8400
Sanyo Katana
Sanyo Katana 2
Sanyo M1
Telus (Canada)

Sierra Wireless 595U
Sierra Wireless 597U
Sierra Wireless 598U
Sierra Wireless 306U

Sierra Wireless 597E

Huawei UMG-181
T-Mobile (UK)

Time Warner Road Runner Mobile 4G

When using the Mobile 4G network, the following Modem Firmware must be loaded onto the CradlePoint Router

Download Time Warner Modem Firmawre 5.2.206

Franklin U300 (3G and 4G)
Franklin U301 (3G and 4G)
Motorola 25w100
Virgin Mobile

Novatel U760

Novatel MiFi 2200
Novatel USB720
Novatel USB727
Novatel USB760
Sierra Wireless 595U
UTStarcom UM150(Pantech UM150)
UTStarcom UM190 (Pantech UMW190) UTStarcom UM175

Kyocera KPC680
Novatel V740

LG VX7200
LG VX8000
LG VX8300
Motorola RAZR V3c
Palm 700p
Palm 700w
Verizon XV6800
I've heard a lot of people asking why these are needed when they already have a data card or tether through their phone just fine. Well, they aren't needed, but they make the entire process much easier and smoother, and they allow you to share you connection with multiple computers. You essentially just plug in your data device, and you have instant wifi internet to all of your laptops. There is no dialing in process or connection managing software. The router will automatically reconnect if you lose signal, and it will also juggle multiple devices across multiple carriers, favoring the one with the connection. It takes so much of the workload off of keeping an internet connection that I find these cradlepoints to be invaluable.
Just for clarification, the model on sale doesn't do multiple air cards. It's pretty basic (as is my CTR350) but they start with this model and go to contraptions that look like the international space station with all sorts of extra gadgets like longer range and load balancing.
I know this may be a silly question, but my eyelids are falling shut and I want to score on this deal while it's still available. Quick question first:

My plan is to run a Rockies amp into a Verizon data card and then into this Cradlepoint router (I can always use a USB to Express Card converter if needed). I think I've heard about problems using direct connect amps with wireless set-ups. Is this true or am I confusing this with something else? My searches and heavy eyelids don't seem to uncover an answer.

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I think I've heard about problems using direct connect amps with wireless set-ups.

As long as the amp was designed for that card or phone, then there should be no difference connecting it to a cradlepoint vs a laptop. The amplifier hooks in on the antenna line, so it really has nothing to do with the the device the data card is attached to.
As long as the amp was designed for that card or phone, then there should be no difference connecting it to a cradlepoint vs a laptop. The amplifier hooks in on the antenna line, so it really has nothing to do with the the device the data card is attached to.

That makes complete sense. Thanks for reconfirming this for me (and my tired brain). I'm going to place the order now.

As long as the amp was designed for that card or phone, then there should be no difference connecting it to a cradlepoint vs a laptop. The amplifier hooks in on the antenna line, so it really has nothing to do with the the device the data card is attached to.

Skip is correct. There is really no difference provided your card is setup to hookup to the amp. The router is a very good idea as you can share multiple computers. My Sprint card sticks out of the left side of my computer and I am afraid one of these days it will get damaged or even broken in half. Having the Sprint card in another location away from potential contact is a plus in my opinion.
Definitely. I'm also going to follow everybody else's cue and use the router to bury everything away in a hidden compartment. It should provide for a nice clean set-up...

The unit only supports USB, but as Ben mentioned you can get adapters. If you have an express card like me just go to Ebay and type in USB to express card adapter and you are set. It looks like they are only about $10 with free shipping.
I don't know where you heard that . But it is not true. Direct connect amplifiers work fine with wireless router.

I know this may be a silly question, but my eyelids are falling shut and I want to score on this deal while it's still available. Quick question first:

My plan is to run a Rockies amp into a Verizon data card and then into this Cradlepoint router (I can always use a USB to Express Card converter if needed). I think I've heard about problems using direct connect amps with wireless set-ups. Is this true or am I confusing this with something else? My searches and heavy eyelids don't seem to uncover an answer.

Sounds like a good deal if your broadband modem and/or data card is of the USB variety. If it's of the Expresscard variety I'd save your hard earned money for the Cradlepoint CRT-500 with native Expresscard support, otherwise you'll have a nice adapter / dongle hanging off the side of your router that is anything but a pretty sight.

Bryan - the issue you referenced in your post has to do with direct connect amplifiers versus wireless amplifiers and the application each is best suited for. If your intent is to primarily download data the direct connect amp is the best route to go with (this is what storm chasers do), whereas if you're dealing with phone calls (voice) then the wireless amplifier will work okay for that application. The wireless connection that Skip referred to is how your laptop will connect to the Cradlepoint router (wifi or wireless b/g). Your data card will plug into the router, then you'll connect a cable from the external port on your data card to the amplifier to "amplify" your signal. From the amp you will run another cable to your external antenna of choice. I hope this clarifies what you are referring to as I think you read a post from Gordon on this topic from a few months ago where he spelled out which amps work best for each application (data versus voice).

The end result is you can have your laptop alone and all by itself in the front of the car and your router and amp in the back of the car and there won't be any cables connecting the two. It really keeps the rats nest of cables in the back where they belong!
Mark and Everyone else,

I really appreciate all of the explanations and help. It makes total sense now. Funny how it didn't in the A.M. hours last night. :D

Just to let everyone know where I'm coming from, I chased all of last year with nothing more than paper maps and Radar Scope on my iPhone. It was only my second year of chasing, and I wanted to stay squarely focused on the basics and keep my eyes on the sky rather than becoming overwhelmed with data. Don't get me wrong, technology is great. But I think there's real value in taking systematic steps when learning to chase. To me, the first step is learning to identify what you are looking at and visualize how all of the pieces fit together. Once you can do this reasonably well, then it's time to harness technology to further advance your skills.

So as I enter my third season of chasing, it's time to add some technology to the mix. I've already bought a Rockies kit from Maximum Signal and I have the Cradlepoint PHS300 on order thanks to Ben. I don't have a data card yet, but I will likely go with a USB model for ease of interchangeability in other laptops when I'm not chasing. For example, my MacBook does not have an Express card slot. My new chase vehicle has a very nice compartment under the floor in the back of my car. It just so happens that the battery is stored right next to that compartment as well, so it will be very easy to mount all of the equipment and some power plugs in the compartment under the floor. Basically, all of the gear that provides my datalink will be completely out of sight and out of the way. It should provide for a very clean set-up.

Thanks again everyone!
Sounds like you are on the right track Bryan and will be chasing in style this upcoming year. IIRC you provided me with some much needed moral support in of all places Beatrice, NE in late May last year through the PM system on this board when I posted about how crummy our chasecation had turned out. I always try to repay a kind act with the same in the hopes that the cycle will perpetuate itself and make the world a better place. Let us know how you like your Cradlepoint once you get it and also take a good hard look at Sprint before you sign the dotted line with Verizon. The only place I vividly remember not having internet connectivity is in the sandhills of Nebraska between Thedford and Valentine. Other than that my Sprint service has been stellar and well worth the investment.
Wow, Woot is fast! Have my Cradlepoint and am now gonna try to figure out how it works! These are brand new units BTW, not refurb like some Woot items are. This was indeed a good buy.