Convective Snow Outlooks: interesting

Mar 3, 2004
Mt Prospect, IL
Check this out! I don't know how many people here have seen this site or not, but I assume that since it isn't talked about at all, that it is either BS or not well known. And it doesn't look like BS.

Anywho, meteorologists at Missouri State are researching and attempting to forecast convective snows. They even have an SPC-style outlook map to go with it. As you can see, there is an area highlighted for possible convective snows today. If the area was shaded, it would be likely.
Ok, I gotta bump this thread at least once, lol. I don't want it to fade into the archives without some discussion on it.

In winter, you usually don't have very much CAPE, so any convection must be caused by some strong forcing into what little elevated instability there is.

The nowcasting maps forecast Three-dimensional EPV and sigma growth rates.

There are lots of references and articles here, but many of them are in abstract form.