Continuing my tradition...

Dont worry Dave, after this year i have the 20 foot rule, if it isnt closer than that, it doesnt bother me. LMAO
Re: Wow

Where can we see vids of some of your other close calls?

North Central Texas last year:!.wmv

Southern NE last year:!.wmv

June this year in west Texas:

Then the year before the motel I was staying at in Moore, OK was blown away by a tornado while I was out chasing and in the early morning hours that same morning I nearly bought it when a tornado crossed over I35 further south in OK closer to the TX border.

That is some great video...but you need to invest in some more life insurance with your lightning history.

How close was the hit shown in the first clip, with the Chrysler minivan?

That is some great video...but you need to invest in some more life insurance with your lightning history.

How close was the hit shown in the first clip, with the Chrysler minivan?

About 50 feet behind me. Missed the tree, a metal pole and an electrical pole and struck the ground. Three of us felt it, ruined my camera battery and burned my hand, burned the feet of 2 of us. Some longer term issues with numbness, shakiness and headaches also.
David you didn't pack any of that (bad?) luck with the wxworks system I bought from you did you? If so, I'll send that part back with some great life insurance policy brochures for you. LOL. :D You know I'm mess'n with ya...

David, don't know if you're still watching this thread, but didn't you have some other close call that flipped your vehicle?
And Dude.......those 3 are some amazing clips!
I've kinda been wondering about it for awhile, but now I KNOW that you push the safety limits on purpose! I'm sure you recall that incredible earth-eating monster updraft dominated storm in eastern New Mex. on either June 2nd. or June 4th. of a couple of years ago. Warren Faidley, my cousin Doren Berge and I were on that thing from the time it was a baby....and watched it for hours. Now, I'll get fairly close from time to time, but there was NO WAY that any of us wanted to get under that thing. I didn't think anybody did..........until I stumbled on your website, where you chronicled getting under the guts of that monster....and found that multi-vortex nader. Again, there was no way any of us wanted any part of that storm. You rock, Dude!!
Originally posted by joel ewing
David, don't know if you're still watching this thread, but didn't you have some other close call that flipped your vehicle?
And Dude.......those 3 are some amazing clips!
I've kinda been wondering about it for awhile, but now I KNOW that you push the safety limits on purpose! I'm sure you recall that incredible earth-eating monster updraft dominated storm in eastern New Mex. on either June 2nd. or June 4th. of a couple of years ago. Warren Faidley, my cousin Doren Berge and I were on that thing from the time it was a baby....and watched it for hours. Now, I'll get fairly close from time to time, but there was NO WAY that any of us wanted to get under that thing. I didn't think anybody did..........until I stumbled on your website, where you chronicled getting under the guts of that monster....and found that multi-vortex nader. Again, there was no way any of us wanted any part of that storm. You rock, Dude!!

No the guy that flipped his vehicle was someone else. Happened along I40 in the panhandle I think. If I remember right, they took one of those short Interstate exits too fast.
Oh, I didn't realize it was some other guy. Thanks for the response.
And by the way, big congrats of having what it sounds like a heckuva season, my friend. I'd love to buy a video of your highlights if you've got one or are in the process of doing one. I know from reading some of your back posts in here that you're really pressed hard for time, and maybe a video isn't in the works....but I'd sure love "ride shotgun" with you via a highlight dvd. It's about time that the 'ol panhandle started acting like the panhandle again, isn't it?
Originally posted by Graham Butler
Hey David....

He could be remembering our water filled adventure up on I40 last summer ->

And don't forget the lightning strike which hit the tower beside us up there in central Kansas last year. :)

Graham Butler

Oh yeah there was that, and I did forget about that on in KS, that was up east of Colby.

We do have a video from last year in the works Joel, and then there will be another one for this year as well.