Continuing my tradition...

Dec 18, 2003
Lubbock, TX
While filming some tents in Muleshoe, TX this evening that I just KNEW were going to become airborn with the strong winds at any time, my tradition continues...

oh yeah, there was this stuff too:


I thought it was funny that you only flinched the camera and immediately resumed filming like no big deal...just a mere annoyance. :lol:

How close was it David?
"Pesky lightning!"
(I suspect a buzzing mosquito would get more attention!)

The video shows a weak fork hitting(?) the power lines. Where did the mail bolt land?

Glad you're OK. Just don't ask me to go chasing with you! ;)

If you play the loop slowly you can actually see bolt as it strikes the electrical wires directly in front of the street light pole. Note that the light on that pole goes out (or at least resets).

I'm guessing, 50-60 feet? Heck you can here the discharge pop of the lightning. I bet the driver in the car driving by probably had to change his/her undewear.

Awesome David!

Had a little fun with lightning a day or two ago too. Click on the images for a bigger version.

nice strike I caught with my camera

A before strike picture..note the pitch black except for the garden lights

And the noon day light a second later when the strike hit off to my left. It's only that bright for a split second but man is it bright!
If you note where the wires from that pole in the shot the pole just out of frame to the left of me, right next to where I was parked. I was sitting in the vehicle with the window down. The lightning hit the pole right over my head basically.
If you play the loop slowly you can actually see bolt as it strikes the electrical wires directly in front of the street light pole. Note that the light on that pole goes out (or at least resets).

I'm guessing, 50-60 feet? Heck you can here the discharge pop of the lightning. I bet the driver in the car driving by probably had to change his/her undewear.

Awesome David!


I think it blew out that light. It was still out when I left there about 10 min later. Those people had all that wood furniture set up out there with those tents selling it when the storm blew in. I had just gotten gas at the T&C I was parked on the corner of their lot. With those 70mph winds coming in, I was sure those tents where going to go sailing, but they never did. There had been several CGs in the area within a few blocks of me before the one in the video hit over my head. Those people trying to salvage their furniture in a rush all got in the car immediately after that and left the furniture out. :lol:
If that were me videotaping, you'd see the lightning hit and then you'd see the camera pointing down and moving fast.

Nice video and pictures though.