Concern over laptop mount with airbag

If we are talking about the entire risk of having a laptop in the vehicle, we need to put in context the entire situation. Like Tyler A. mentioned, there are a ton of other risks. However, the risk of accident due to hydroplaning, other reckless drivers (locals, chasers, tours, etc. not only during the chase, but everyday), sudden winds and loss of control and much more. We also are assuming straight on accidents where the laptop is pushed directly into the passenger. There are tons of other kinds of accidents that may change the direction of the laptop and break loose (or not) and strike the passenger or even the driver in unexpected ways. Think about a T-bone accident, what happens then. Do the air bags go off...probably not, but the violence seen within a vehicle in this situation is crazy.

Also, remember that airbags alone can cause injury. As mentioned on the site before, the accident that Chris Collura and I came upon after chasing Hurricane Ike (on our return drive to Austin, TX) had a driver with a concussion even though he had his seatbelt on AND the airbags deployed. He was also in an F-150 (of about 2000 vintage) and the size of the vehicle did nothing to help. So again...don't assume anything when considering the laptop station location and safety, whether you decide to turn it off or leave the airbag on.
Airbag's deploy at speed's over 100 mph and are meant to be fully inflated BEFORE you hit the bag, which is why you should never sit too close to one. By putting something in front of the airbag that is close enough to be hit by the bag while it is inflating, you are playing with fire. Eventually, that mount or that laptop will become a projectile, potentially killing anyone in it's path. You can turn the airbag off, eliminating the risk of projectiles, but then if you get into a wreck you won't have the life saving features of the airbag.

This was a serious concern for the VORTEX 2 project. In the original VORTEX, they just turned off the airbags in the vehicles and took their chances. For VORTEX 2 I convinced the project leaders on the NSSL side of things that we could do things without turning off the airbag by using computers and monitors rather than laptops. The NSSL MM's have a 'desktop' computer system that is small and designed with the intention of mounting it in a vehicle (so it can take the shock and vibration). This is coupled to a monitor that is mounted between the seats. Since we were using minivan's we had a lot of room and had 17" monitors. This puts the monitor out of the way of the airbag and thus out of that danger, but still close enough to be able to adequately see. We also used a wireless keyboard with a track ball to work the computer. This keyboard is small enough and low enough in your lap that it wouldn't be hit by the airbag while it was inflating.

I have personally done this in my vehicle and it's not any more expensive than using a laptop. It's much more stable and comes with much less risk of dragging the computer and the attached cables out with you into the storm when you jump out of the car to take pictures of that developing tornado. You can put as large or small a screen as needed depending on how big a viewing space you want versus how big your vehicle will allow.
I work on an ambulance, and we face the same situation. The laptop is mounted between the driver and the passenger, but it's unfortunately on a fairly loose swivel, and easily swivels toward both occupants. Ouch.
I sense the need for some experiments to be done, anyone have any spare airbags laying around? I know there are some mechanics on here...

I personally think the ram mount will take an airbag deployment. At most I could see the laptop screen becoming detached from the keyboard and being sent flying but even then I would think the laptop would have to be practically on top of the airbag to begin with, the farther away it is the less force it has to take.

Keep in mind this is for a high quality mount, if you build a cheap one get what you pay for.
I know airbags are powerful but is it possible that if the laptop mount [especially a ram mount and not a cheap homemade one] and the laptop strapped onto it that it could simply block the airbag or that the force of the airbag would simply slam the laptop shut? Its easy enough to picture both scenarios in my head though with a laptop being sent into someones face and the airbag not being affected and the mount/laptop holding firm.

In a word... no. :)

Watch video >
Not a bad example of the power in that video. Although I was waiting for someone to walk out..." ah guys....I think we have a problem" pointing at the shard of metal sticking out of his chest.

Turning the bag off to me is the best solution overall.
Now that I think about it. My laptop is in between the driver and passenger and not directly in front of the passenger. (passenger sorta has to turn in his seat a bit..or at least his head) In theory, if the bags deployed it would get thrown between us.
Basic point here: if you have a laptop in the way of the airbag and it goes off, you're risking the life of everyone in the car. If you turn off the airbag, you are also risking the life of your passenger. So there is a decision that has to be made which scenario you'd prefer to take your chances on, or try and combat it via my suggestion or someone else's suggestion.
I've made a compromise between the two, mounting the laptop at a level that when closed, the bag would deploy over the top of it. Not hard in the van since on the passenger side it pops out of the top of the dash. Then I tell whoever is over there if you think we are about to hit something, slam it shut. Not ideal I know, but maybe. The other thought is the bag would slam it shut. The only time it would be in front of the bag is when the lid is up.

I can't get away from the things in my van. The dash and steering have them. There are full length window curtain airbags. Airbags in the sides of the seat. No wonder it has a 5 star crash rating. I pretty much couldn't even have a bottle of water in there without an airbag wacking it from some place. LOL

Do what I can and hope for the best.
Well, i'm the one here with personal expierence from a front end 20mph crash with both driver and passenger airbag deployment. The weight of the gear in the passenger seat was enough to turn it on.

From the second it took me to rear the guy in front, i was bruised, cut up pretty bad and overall bad shape. Of course engine, and car was dead and inverter alarms etc were going off. After the crash, when the cop pulled up, i immediatley wanted to take the computer somewhere out of the way so it didn't look like i was watching a computer screen when i crashed. Still got the ticket though.. I deserved it.

The Passenger airbag amazingly did not hurt the computer. When it deployed, it pushed and swung the mount to the driver side like a swing and threw the computer into my driver airbag ended landing on the shifter/center console. The computer itself was still on and working after the crash, amazing (go apple) Still works to this day.

The key to minimizing the risk is to put it as close to you, as much as a tilt and horizontal swing. The Passenger airbag just simply pushed the mount out of the way and computer out of the way into luckily not me. It swung right to left and as said someone said earlier, slams the screen shut. Can't say what would happen in a 60mph crash but the mount in a car is a risk we all must take and passenger since there really isn't a way or place to put it, even for police to keep it out of the way.