Brian OConnell
If they didn't learn from El Reno when three of the best were killed by a left mover, they sure as hell ain't going to learn from reading their survival story and the attention it brought them.
After El Reno there was lots of misinformation in the media, it was portrayed as a storm that was so freakishly unusual it killed experts who did not take risks, despite the face that there have been plenty of other wedges that change speed size and direction, and those killed were making risky maneuvers (no disrespect to anyone killed, some of them were great researchers, I'm just trying to point out that the lesson that should be learned from their deaths is "beware of maneuvers that may put you in the path of a tornado without you realizing, and unpredictable tornado behavior" and not "that one tornado was so weird there was no way to avoid it, but I can assume that will never happen to me")
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