Chasing Terminology

I can't help but get the feeling threads like this are how script writers get random jargon ideas that they shove into their movies...

{Fade in to gray, swirling clouds. Haunting low string music. "Warner Bros Presents" Clouds swirl faster and faster as "Twister II" title tumbles past screen.}

{Camera to weather satellite. Earth resolves into a weather map on a computer screen in the S.P.C. Storm Prediction Center.}

Thompson: Broyles, take a look. Spinergy is off the charts south of this banana low.

Broyles: All the models are forecasting major streamwise vorticity currents.

Thompson: You know if these cells keep building like this, we could have ghost trains all the way from Grand County to Logan. {Takes bite of doughnut.}

Broyles : This is gonna be a long day…

{Energetic bluegrass music starts. Camera on a red Dodge Ram truck bouncing down a dirt road. Inside is BILL HARDING, alone. As truck pulls up, camera pans to JO HARDING, wiring up a Doppler radar atop an armored tornado intercept vehicle.}

Beltzer: Okay professor, I think that’s got it. {Jo tries turning on the Doppler, sparks fly and pneumatic spikes dig into the ground instead}. Oops.

Jo:{Frustrated} This thing is useless!

Beltzer: Sorry, Jo, must’ve been those anvil crawlers last night. {Suddenly the spikes retract and the radar dish starts spinning.}

Jo: Wait, wait, wait. Beltzer! {Bangs roof} That's good. Give me a reading!

Beltzer: {Getting out of TIV} Okay, boss lady, hold your horses.

Jo: Looks like the turkey towers have stalled. Give me a sector scan west-northwest, look at those high based hailers and increase the PRF.

{Camera over to DUSTY DAVIS in his bus, watching cat youtube videos and chaser livestreams. He is much more subdued for unknown and mysterious reasons.}

Jo: Dusty, what are my dew points doing?

Dusty: {uncharacteristically unenthusiastic} Dew points up to 70, mam.

{Camera to Bill as he steps out of the truck and approaches the group}

Jo: {Tense, guarded} Well well well, look who’s not running the lab for once. You remember what it’s like out here on Bob’s Road?

Bill: {awkwardly ignoring Jo’s goading} Yeah the sky, she’s, uh, she's really talking.

Jo: {Tossing him a cord} Catch. {Bill gives Jo an exasperated look} It's the biggest series of trollnadoes in 12 years. One lined up right after another. SPC says they've never seen anything like it.

Bill:{Not really interested} Is that right? So, Jo, about the custody papers…
I can't help but get the feeling threads like this are how script writers get random jargon ideas that they shove into their movies...

{Fade in to gray, swirling clouds. Haunting low string music. "Warner Bros Presents" Clouds swirl faster and faster as "Twister II" title tumbles past screen.}

{Camera to weather satellite. Earth resolves into a weather map on a computer screen in the S.P.C. Storm Prediction Center.}

Thompson: Broyles, take a look. Spinergy is off the charts south of this banana low.

Broyles: All the models are forecasting major streamwise vorticity currents.

Thompson: You know if these cells keep building like this, we could have ghost trains all the way from Grand County to Logan. {Takes bite of doughnut.}

Broyles : This is gonna be a long day…

{Energetic bluegrass music starts. Camera on a red Dodge Ram truck bouncing down a dirt road. Inside is BILL HARDING, alone. As truck pulls up, camera pans to JO HARDING, wiring up a Doppler radar atop an armored tornado intercept vehicle.}

Beltzer: Okay professor, I think that’s got it. {Jo tries turning on the Doppler, sparks fly and pneumatic spikes dig into the ground instead}. Oops.

Jo:{Frustrated} This thing is useless!

Beltzer: Sorry, Jo, must’ve been those anvil crawlers last night. {Suddenly the spikes retract and the radar dish starts spinning.}

Jo: Wait, wait, wait. Beltzer! {Bangs roof} That's good. Give me a reading!

Beltzer: {Getting out of TIV} Okay, boss lady, hold your horses.

Jo: Looks like the turkey towers have stalled. Give me a sector scan west-northwest, look at those high based hailers and increase the PRF.

{Camera over to DUSTY DAVIS in his bus, watching cat youtube videos and chaser livestreams. He is much more subdued for unknown and mysterious reasons.}

Jo: Dusty, what are my dew points doing?

Dusty: {uncharacteristically unenthusiastic} Dew points up to 70, mam.

{Camera to Bill as he steps out of the truck and approaches the group}

Jo: {Tense, guarded} Well well well, look who’s not running the lab for once. You remember what it’s like out here on Bob’s Road?

Bill: {awkwardly ignoring Jo’s goading} Yeah the sky, she’s, uh, she's really talking.

Jo: {Tossing him a cord} Catch. {Bill gives Jo an exasperated look} It's the biggest series of trollnadoes in 12 years. One lined up right after another. SPC says they've never seen anything like it.

Bill:{Not really interested} Is that right? So, Jo, about the custody papers…

They had two kids, the boy was named :Toto, and the girl was named Dorothy
I can't help but get the feeling threads like this are how script writers get random jargon ideas that they shove into their movies...

You've got about 110 minutes of script left to write. Keep it going. I wanna see where this goes.
After getting back together and staying married for the next 18 years, the marriage is on the rocks again, and only a chase for the ages can bring this couple back together.

Having giving up on the early tornado warning system, Joe chases for the twitter hits, and social media status. In Bill's eyes she has turned into the dreaded "night crawler"

Thinking he can get Dr Joe Harding back into the science of chasing, Bill is back in town again. With him he brings his new girlfriend Dr Vanessa Hailstone, a gallbladder specialist.

New Characters include:
- Kristofer Hivju (Game of Thrones) as "Dusty"
- Betty White as "Meg"
- Edward Norton as "Rabbit"
- Hillary Swank as "Vanessa Hailstone"
- James Franco (127 hours) as "Dr Jonathan Miller" (Jonas' sensitive brother)
- Jeff Daniels as "Rich Thompson"
- Skip Talbot (as himself)
Haha @Michael Snyder why are we not pitching this to all the studios right this moment!?!?! I think we have more than enough to get green lit.

The only thing I disagree with is that Toto is actually Jonas's son, who never met his father and has a huge chip on his shoulder - exhibited by his extreme chasing behavior. Toto is a new generation of chaser with no respect for previous forerunners, and this is part of what has goaded Jo into also chasing the tweets - to Bill's dismay. It is a dangerous path for all of them (with some speculating that Toto might even wish to recreate his father's demise).

Now this might sound like Toto is being setup as the new foil for Jo and Bill, but really this is all just backdrop for the true story. Dorothy, 16, is just beginning to understand her true abilities. Having inherited and extended both her parent's powers, she has the ability to know what multiple storms are thinking simultaneously. The movie will center on her Hero's Quest as she begins chasing for the first time. Not only must she navigate the dangerous weather conditions, but also the villainous hive of storm chasing subculture. And there's also Jonas's old company, Oscuravan, that tries to poach Dorothy so they can exploit her powers in their quest to dominate the stringer scene.

-Daisy Ridley as "Dorothy" (but really I would be flexible there, the one "must have" cast member is definitely Jeff Daniels as Rich - truly an inspired choice).

Also, apologies for the extreme thread derailment.
I wonder what the actors would say if we started spreading this as a rumor across the internet, haha.

Jonas has a son! We could make a touching tear jerking moment.
Terminology.....I totally grossed out a tv reporter from Cleveland once talking about chase terminology. I sent her a list of typical terms to use in her package on chasers.....and she flipped out over "morning turds".
I'd like to see a realistic Twister II purely for the public's reaction. Cap busts, late night drives through MCS, staring longingly at that steakhouse they had hoped to have a reason to visit. Getting blocked by a coal train. Embraces in a cold RFD assuring eachother that they'll see a tornado this season. None of this "the cap just broke and theres a mean sidewinder on the ground heading for Wakita, let's drive an hour with ambers on to intercept it."
Randy Quaid will make a cameo appearance as a run down red-neck store owner in the Ozarks when the chase team decides to chase out in the jungle. Think: deliverance.
"Squeal like a piggy, boy" ....OMG....I saw that movie in '74 when it first came out, and STILL cannot get that scene out of my mind. My buds called me up and said "lets go see Deliverance"...and I was all set to go see (ex-Beatle) George Harrison in concert that night in Tucson. I had to make a choice, and chose the film. DAMN....that was a powerful movie. And old-timers in Tucson like me STILL say the best concert they ever saw was that night with Geo. Harrison. Hmmmph. And I picked "Squeal like a piggy"
"Bo-hunk" on the loose!!! As in...."uh ohh.....nooo......not again.....oh, I don't believe it....there's a frickkin' BOHUNK ON THE LOOSE in front of us". For the uninitiated....Bohunk is slang for a person of Czech/Bohemian descent, and my native Nebraska and parts of northern Kansas is FULL of them, including ME....I'm 1/4 Bohemian. My grandma even spoke it on the family farm in Boone Co. Nebraska back in the day. Bohunks are notorious for being big, blonde, barnyard-strong, super-hard-working farmers and laborers, which I have ultimate respect for, actually. However...they are also notorious for becoming the SLOWEST, most brain-dead drivers once they get way up in age. Southeast Nebraska has little towns (Wilber / Crete, etc) that still have their business signs in town written in Bohemian. These old, Bohunk farmers also have the sad rep of being quite prone towards depression...and also have an extremely high regard for beer and more beer...which obviously is a BAAADDD combination. In the wickedly-brutal winters in Nebraska with the big snowdrifts and frozen ground when I was growing up, it wasn't uncommon for these aged Bohunk farmers to get so depressed that they'd disappear for weeks....months. Often with no kin or friends to keep an eye on them....they'd be found in the spring hanging from a noose up in the barn rafters. Saline County, Nebraska had more of those per capita than any other county in the USA for years.
Anyhow, back to can COUNT on an old Bohunk in his tired old pickup to pull right in front of you and slow down to a ludicrous crawl on a road where it's illegal to pass, and absolutely no need for a slow speed. This will inevitably happen when you have a tornado that's verified on the ground within stabbing distance of you. Honking your horn and making obscene gestures does NOTHING to get them to speed up....heck, it rarely even gets their attention, as often they are in their own little world.
One of MY big fears, at age 61 that I might soon become the worst OLD BOHUNK on the highway. Those of you that know and love me have my permission to put me out of my and everybody else's misery once this becomes a reality. My wife swears I'm beginning to morph into one already. That's not a comforting thought.