
TARGET: FREEPORT-LAKE JACKSON TIME OF DEPARTURE: 7 AM FRIDAY Hurricane Rita is scheduled to make landfall somewhere between Matagorda Bay and Freeport early Saturday morning. I am concerned about the mass of dry air over Texas (as observed on WV satellite) that will invade and kill off the winds, hopefully no lower than CAT 3. However, like Katrina, the storm surge should still be going strong, perhaps CAT 5 (>18 feet). I hope to have time to check out potential shelters around Brazoria County. If the hurricane strikes at night - 8 pm to 4 am, I will abort and spend the night at a friends house in Sugarland, TX (SW Houston). Anyone else chasing this monster?
What to bring chasing

You must be totally self sufficient when
chasing a hurricane. Getting gas is usually a problem. So, I have a truck box
anchored to the bed of my pick-up truck filled with 25 gallons of fuel stored in
containers. The top of the box is secured with redundant strapping. Once and
a while I will find a local place still open, but don't count on it. Eating
out is even a bigger problem. All restaurants are closed or packed. So, I
have coolers filled with everything imaginable: water, soda, milk, etc. There
are also foil pouches of ready to eat chicken and turkey that will keep even if
not refrigerated. Staying in a motel -forget it. They are all booked. So, I have an extended cab
and my driver's seat reclines nearly horizontally for sleep -but who sleeps
Does anyone know of a motel or hotel that is still open or will be open on Thurs night somewhere SW of Houston. We are trying to find a place to stay. Anybody know???
For those still heading South on I.H. 45 be very cautious in the Corsicanna,TX area lots of construction along with delays though we all doubt many are headed South, the fueling stations and stores will be overwhelmed.

Simon Brewer and I (and a couple others) will be chasing this monster. Simon and the others will meet me here in Houston tomorrow night and take it from there.

This is a very strange situation for me in particular. I live just west of downtown Houston and there is a great chance I won't have power or running water in my home after the chase. The chaser becomes the chasee...I've taken the proper precautions.

My latest worry: Models have shifted further north today and I'm very concerned about a landfall near Freeport (ironically similar to Tim) rather than the current NHC forecast track. This could be devastating for Galveston and terrible for Houston...
Coastal TX is just about the only place in the state I've never chased within. HP just isn't my favorite. This will definitely be HP, in a synoptic sense, hellish-precip. 898, amazing. I thought Mitch would be the last time in my life I'd live to see such a low.
I will be thinking of all you chasers down there,be safe.Two Kat fives
in the Golf of Mexico,what a year.
well this will be the closest one for me given my geographic connections in relation to this beast. Im seriously considering busting of here late friday morning after thermo class, which meansi will miss a field trip in the afternoon for my msrmts class thats part of my long term project for the class. I havent decided whether im going home to Ft. Worth or not yet. I will be in the SPC tomorrow and will make my decision then. I figure this is the closest will get to a tropical cyclone of this magnitude in a long while. And its been i think a few years since the D/FW metroplex has delt w/ a large scale tropical cyclone although it wont be what it is now when it gets there but in comparison its pretty big so im curious just to experience what will happen. Im sure flooding will be the major story depending its speed.
I am going to decide tomorrow. I don't think it will be a 5 or even a strong 4 at landfall, but given the current intensity and size it will take more than just a sliver of dry air to kill this monster. If I go I have plenty of gear, a 55 gallon drum of gas with a pump, a deep sea fishing cooler with plenty of food and water and I also have a generator and power invertor so I could be self sufficient for a couple weeks if I had to. I am still thinking that Rita is going to make landfall just East of Freeport and that whole area is swamp land that I want nothing to do with. I hope this thing dies down to a 2 or 3 but know it is unlikely. After Katrina and seeing some of the damage and talking to people that have had their lives destroyed and would rather have a blown chase (ie Dennis) than have millions of more people displaced. Good luck to all and please go overboard when taking precautions if you are planning to chase Rita. If this is your first time chasing a hurricane bring some diapers.
I am leaving Wichita in a few hours. I just have to finish getting supplies and I have to run out to the other side of town to get an extra spare tire. I have enough supplies to get me by for a week if need be. I'm not feeling real good about having 30 gallons of gasoline in the car with me, but it has to be done. I haven't decided where I am going to set up shop yet. I am planning on figuring that out tomorrow night and then I have all day Friday to scout out the target area so I can find a sturdy structure to stay in. Good luck to everyone chasing Rita and stay safe.
I H 45 Southbound

As a exclamation point to my be cautious on 45 between Corsicanna a Houston on a recent trip to Conroe a heavy thundershower was occuring and hydroplaning was a major issue I saw atleast 6 single vehicle rollover car crashes.
Re: I H 45 Southbound

Originally posted by Anonymous
As a exclamation point to my be cautious on 45 between Corsicanna a Houston on a recent trip to Conroe a heavy thundershower was occuring and hydroplaning was a major issue I saw atleast 6 single vehicle rollover car crashes.

Let us make sure that we never forget the lessons we learned as a result of the passing of Jeff Wear.
Re: I H 45 Southbound

Originally posted by Anonymous
As a exclamation point to my be cautious on 45 between Corsicanna a Houston on a recent trip to Conroe a heavy thundershower was occuring and hydroplaning was a major issue I saw atleast 6 single vehicle rollover car crashes.

And hey lets be careful out there....

I understand that Geoff Mackley is on his way.
We have two typhoons here in Asia. One nasty beast going over to Japan (Typhoon Saola) and one going...well we are watching that one (Damrey) , but it should move west towards vietnam.
May the force be with you all! 8)
I am going to skip this one. I am going to opt out for some tornado chasing here in central Ms. I just don't see Rita beeing as powerful as forecasted when she makes landfall and I am almost positive it is going to hit south of Lake Charles in the swamps. Good luck to any of you guys that are still going after her. I must warn you that there is very little in the way of shelter for a powerful hurricane once you go south of Lake Charles.