Originally posted by Michael Gribble
I would be a little more than pissed off if I drove all the way down there only to be escorted out by the
From the initial contacts I have made since I'm hired out for this, if Dennis hits the same area as Ivan, your SOL if your going to try to get near
the area.
From what I have been hearing, with the amount of destruction from Ivan, here is the scoop. If you don't live there, part of the government
search and rescue, law enforcement, A Government Research such as the DOWS and or your a real verifiable employed member of the media with real documentation that can be verified to back it up saying your suppose to be there for work to cover the story, you will be hauled off to a government locked down shelter.
If you have not already been through a major hurricane and your not going with someone that is experienced, your chances of getting hurt or
killed are high. If you do go and you do need help, your own your own.
There is NO 911 in the middle of a hurricane.
All you can do if your able to get a signal out when your in trouble is record your last words on tape like several people did in 2004.
For those of you thinking about making bogus press passes, if your caught, you will be arrested. Last year during Hurricane Jeanne, another
chaser from Nebraska whose first name is Chris, was in the same area as us during the eye of the storm. When the cops asked him who he
was and what he was doing there, he gave them a B.S. story. When they asked me a few minutes later, I thought they were talking about
Chris Colura from the weathervine group who was standing right next to me, and the cops said no, the other guy over there. When I told the
cops that the other Chris was some storm chaser from Nebraska down here just to be in the storm, they cuffed him for lying and for being out
during the curfew.
This is NOT A SUPER CELL CHASE. This is Moore OK 1999 but the whole state of OK for the size of the mess. If you don't know what your doing and not going with a group of people that have been through several hurricanes before, stay home because this is more dangerous then anything you can imagine since the area that its going to hit already
took a beating bad.
So if you want to go through a hurricane, I have no problem if anyone wants to go through it as long as they have an escape route and get a life vest and with someone that can show you the ropes. But the odds are, if the police catch you out during a curfew which sounds like it will be in place during the day and you don't have a reason for being out there, your going bye bye for your own safety. If the worst hits Florida again, yeah, your going to have a ton of cops all over the place.
Also, last year after all the hurricanes, the snakes are out in force and pissed off. Water Moccasin's were also out in force as were the gators.
After Ivan, in Gulf Shores, the EMS was going around shooting the gators that were on the streets and peoples yards. Why were they out of
the water? Fuel spills!