Chases per year?

Feb 27, 2005
Goehner NE
:?: Just wondering how many chases everyone gets per year? This may have been posted before but I am a new guy so im not sure. I get about 4 or 5 and thats about it. My job and financial situation limits me to the local area.

Last year, I was over 20.. I imagine the same this year and years to come as well... I'm probably going to cut the stat out of that number and eliminate "spotter trips" from that count.
Due to work and family stuff I only get to chase on average 9 chase's a year. 2003 I only chased 3 times. :( This year I have made arangements with work and I should be able to chase more. However, gas prices may put a hold on that plan.

Depends on whether you call it a "chase" or a "spot"... I keep track of all my trips for mileage purposes, so last year's count of chases OVER 150 miles round trip totaled 22. Chases, or "spots" (local chases < 150 miles round trip totaled 17.

Longest trip = 1433 miles (North Dakota & back)
Shortest trip = 3 tornado days right in town!!

This year, with gas prices (not to get on that soapbox), I'll probably be about 1/3 of that, but perhaps more if I can find chase partners to contribute funds for fuel.

This Sunday will definitely be a good day !! :wink:
1999: 3
2000: 4
2001: 5
2002: 9
2003: 10
2004: 13

2005: 2 (so far, obviously; anticipating 15-20)
2000: 2
2001: 4
2002: 5
2003: 7
2004: 7

Hopefully this year, I will end up with around 12-15 chases. :D Already 2 this year...One with Jeff in Paris, TX.
I usually get in somewhere around 10-12 chase days in a year.....most was 18 in 2001, and I chased 14 times last year.
I probably got in 12 last year and prior to that probably 6 total. This year will be far fewer b/c I am not living in OK. I will get as many in as possible when I come out, I'm thinking, the first 2 weeks of May.
1996: 1
1997: 21
1998: 17
1999: 21
2000: 35
2001: 31
2002: 22
2003: 13
2004: 18
I have never kept track of how many times I get out chasing, but I can ballpark it.
2002= 5
2003= 15
2004= 20+
I have not kept track of mileage either, but this is my ESTIMATED number of chases

1999: 1
2000: 2
2001: 2
2002: 4
2003: 6
2004: 3
2005 Estimate: 7~9
My last few years are as follows...

2002 - 11
2003 - 17
2004 - 15
2005 - 1 so far

2005 is likely going to be my biggest year, weather pending as its my senior year and I've got little going on classwise, and due to injuries, won't be playig baseball either so I've got all the time in the world to be out.
offical chases in the past few years:
Plenty of other times I went out to check shelf clouds and avg. Jo Schmoe storms.

99: 3
2000: 15ish
2001: 25ish
2002: 27
2003: 25
2004: 25-30