ChaserX web page up and running.

Hey Dennis, nice pics. I have stopped and walked that same location on Hwy 15, and cannot agree with the F0 rating. Full-grown trees are stripped bare of bark, snapped off, and uprooted on both sides of the road. The folks in the farmhouse just to the north were very lucky. If anybody has thoughts about getting in a ditch for safety, just stop and take a look here and you will probably change your mind.
Dang Dennis! Some amazing work there. The one that gets me is the May 29 one in NE! Man and I thought I just sort of screwed up that day. Now I can see it was like I was trying or something. That is sweet. That must of tornadoed damn fast....and then had the area go to totall crap just as fast as I was in that area not that long after when that must of been happening. And great view from June 13 too....and of course Hallam.
Denis, I was as surprised as others to see your 5-29 tornadoes near Hebron. Myself and several other chasers saw that storm go up in Thayer County and chased it all the wav to BIA before bailing and heading for Jamestown. We saw a mid-level funnel that a local spotter reported as a tornado that caused a report in the right spot--for the midlevel funnel. But I can't say we saw the two big tornadoes in your pics. Do you remember what time and from what location those were taken?

Great images.

Im only guessing here on the time but I think that it was somewhere between 4 - 5 in the afternoon. The tornado crossed highway 136 about
3-5 miles due east of Hebron. Which direction where you approaching from? Is it possible that the difference in viewing angle made it appear totally different? The second one dropped down about 3-4 miles north of the position where it crossed the highway and only stayed on the ground for several seconds then disappeared along with the rest of the updraft.

See Ya

I'll rerun my GPS log to give you a better answer later, but we were east of the storm looking west at 2230. That much we felt quite sure about because we saw a midlevel funnel, joked that it might cause a tornado report, and then heard the warning come out a little while later for the spot where we'd seen the funnel. SPC has the tornado report as this:

2230 UNK 8 E HEBRON THAYER NE 4017 9744 (GID)

This at least seemed to match up with what we saw, so at 2230 we were about 9 miles east of Hebron looking west, but without running the log I can't say for sure what road we were on. We remained more or less in that position relative to the storm all the way to Beatrice when we broke off and headed for the Concordia supercell to the south.

Either way, we didn't manage to see what you did on that particular storm, unfortunately. It was a big rainy HP so you never know entirely what's going on inside one of those.

The second one dropped down about 3-4 miles north of the position where it crossed the highway and only stayed on the ground for several seconds then disappeared along with the rest of the updraft.

I know I have that updraft on video from the nw a little bit as we headed towards it. It looked very much like the May 8, 2003 Lawrence updraft did from about the same distance.....small and corkscrewed and it vanished very quickly...oh yeah and I could never see under the base of either...alfj;afkjafjla;.