ChaserX web page up and running.

Feb 27, 2005
Goehner NE
Just wanted to let everyone know that Ive got our chase page up and running. I created the site myself and it is my first try at it so sorry for the simple nature of it. Let me know what you think.
I know that there are many problems with the web page including wrong dates and misspelled words. I should have debugged it better before uploading to the server. It only seems to work in 800 x 600 mode also.
Thanks for your patience.
Click on the following link, it has changed to.

Thanks and enjoy

Link didnt work

OK the link did not work. Can someone tell me how to get a clickable link to work in my message?
I guess my link did work. Sorry

There seems to be some formatting issues when I use my widescreen laptop... did you use Frontpage by any chance? Outside of that, love the pictures! Look forward to seeing updates in the 2005 season!
Works in 800x600 mode

It only seems to work in 800 x 600 mode. Im not sure how to fix this though.
Any ideas out there? I used Netscape composer.

Box the entire thing in an 800 wide table:

<#TABLE width=800 align=center>
entire page goes here

Remove the # signs to make it work...# added so code would display in the post.

Not the best design but it's the least work to get your page to not look wierd on large screens
Nice website & photos...just 1 problem: The dates are set at 2005. Unless you've time traveled into the future and taken pictures of tornadoes yet to come... :D
Box the entire thing in an 800 wide table:

<#TABLE width=800 align=center>
entire page goes here

Remove the # signs to make it work...# added so code would display in the post.

Not the best design but it's the least work to get your page to not look wierd on large screens
One further tip: if you put width=800, the page will not resize if you have a 640x480 visitor, or someone who does not open their browser to full screen. Try width="100%" and that will allow for different resolutions.

Pix on the page are great!

Since you are using Netscape composer already, you may want to look at the Mozilla Foundation's free html editor. It features WYSIWYG editing as well as source code and it works quite well. I think it will serve you better than composer...

Be well, TR
Thanks for all the input. Ive got alot of the problems taken care of and will be updating the web page in a couple of days. Keep the info comming. Thats the only way a hard headed guy like me will learn anything.


Did you feel safe on your May 22nd, 2004 chase? It sounds like you must've taken quite the chance, punching the core of the Hallam storm. It was a very dangerous storm to do that sort of thing with - right?

I don't think we would have risked that.
