Myself and Josh Jans have been working on a resource network program FOR FEMA for about two years now. Part of the program involves a network of CERTIFIED storm chasers (AKA Storm recon teams) that will be tied into a program that will allow storm data to be sent in to a centralized center. I put it to work at the Greensberg disaster. My cell phone had just enough coverage to make 1 single call to one of the task Force leaders (but it was NOT the right one) who got things rolling for a standby. Although the system is not in place, I was able to get the info out to those who needed the info.
The majority of the program will be for on site hurricane recon. My presentation included the fact that the chasers will be there anyway and that they could definatly use the info. There will be a component that will include events like last Friday. The program has alot of promise and the powers that be are in favor of it as long as the certification only allows those with the proper training involved.
We have envisioned this like a Storm Spotter network on steroids. The certification that would require additional training in all of NIMS, First aid or EMT-B, EVOC driving courses. and of course proof that you know enough about weather to keep you from getting killed.
In return you would have a pass to go into any area you need to go. You would be used as a legitamate weather resource in any area.
Speed limits would still have to be obeyed and all that.
More to come as the program evolves.
Go read the blogger on our site <>to see us in the St. Johns command post on May 5th providing weather data to the multicounty staging area.