ChaserCon 2013 (National Storm Chaser Convention) in Denver

cant make it this year :( school interferes yet year not only can I go...but anyone who needs a place to crash can crash on my couch or on the floor for free. :) i will be graduated and living in Denver this time next year.

ya'll have fun.
I'm stoked...this will also be my 3rd time there...thanks to mostly free airfare from being bumped last year. The forecasting class is a great mental warm-up/refresher..I always am learning more with it...very well worth the extra $25. There are lots of hotels around the area to pick from.
I'm surprised noone's suggested it, but how about doing breakfast or lunch together as ST members..or happy hour Saturday before the dinner? Or...[insert idea here]...?
Agreed...what time spot might be best chance? There *are* down times...could be Sat. or Sunday...I sorta thought lunch Saturday because that's built into the schedule anyways...that's just 1 thought tho...

How about drinks Saturday before the banquet? Is Tim vending again? We could meet up at his table.

Is there a secret Stormtrack gang sign, so we'll know who's who?
How about drinks Saturday before the banquet? Is Tim vending again? We could meet up at his table.

Is there a secret Stormtrack gang sign, so we'll know who's who?

I was thinking exactly the same thing about a meetup spot...I believe Tim is vending again...if not...Skip has the StormAssist table as a 2nd if you arrive and Tim isn't there...Skip is the default (and you gotta buy a StormAssist DVD if you stop there).

Drinks Sat before banquet sounds like a 15 min. after the last presentation Saturday at Tim's/Skip's table sound good?
I'm flying in Thursday afternoon. I'm would like to do some scenic photography on Sunday. Contact me if you're interested in doing that Friday. Will be back to hotel in time for Jon Davies' class Friday night!
I've attended for the last 3 years and have loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, I won't be there this year...but it's for a good reason and one that makes me smile. My wife is returning home the day before the convention from a 6-month deployment to Afghanistan, so I think a little downtime with her at home is in order. :D

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I will be there this year for the first time. Have been unable to go the past several years, and this year everything fell into place. Myself and Bryant Burrough are booked at the Hyatt, and we will be driving out from SGF arriving Friday. Hope to see everyone there!
Okay, so 15 min after the Wurman/Kosiba presentation Saturday afternoon? That gives me just enough time to go put my tux on. :)

Great! Of course this is for all ST members at Chasercon. Meet up 15 minutes after the last presentation Saturday at Tim Vasquez's table in the vendor's area (or Skip Talbot's table as a backup, if Tim doesn't have a table this year).
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Looks like it's going to be a great line-up this year. Wish I could go...maybe next time. Using funds for equipment & first aid/cert classes. Does anyone know if they're going to be streaming the convention online? It was nice to watch from home last year.
Good day all,

Just a heads up ... For the "video night" stuff ... Tim S is saying no submissions will be accepted on Saturday.

He wants videos sent via "yousendit", but that's a "pay service" if over 50 MB (most videos will be WAY more than that). Contact Tim S if you have video for him.

For mine, I put it on an FTP site and he was able to pull it down from there.
Wishing all of you guys the best! It's frustrating to me that I'm just down the road from the convention, but will be here at my post at the hospital next few nights. *sigh* Have a fabulous time all.