ChaserCon 2013 (National Storm Chaser Convention) in Denver


Jun 12, 2004
Sunrise, Florida
Good day all,

Not sure if there's a thread on this yet (surprised I don't see one) so if there already is, feel free to modify this one.


The 15th annual "ChaserCon" (storm chaser convention) is from February 15-17, 2013 at the Red Lion / Hilton Doubletree hotel (4040 Quebec Street) in Denver, CO.

A link to the site is here at :

Just booked all tickets myself ... Hope to see you all out there again!
I just ordered my ticket today and got my room. It will be my first ChaserCon and I can't wait!
I booked my airfare over the weekend. Southwest was running a special and I was able to get 35% off my flight there: Saint Lous to Denver for $55. Not too shabby. I'll see you guys there. I'll be manning the Storm Assist booth for at least part of the time, so stop by and say hi.
Good day all,

I had a free SW ticket too ... But split it into two final "legs" of my vacation return. I paid for a ticket to California for a 2 week trip (reunion I planned since last year) going out (on Virgin America one-way). But on my return, I decided to take a flight from CA to Denver on 2/14, then return to FL on 2/17 (these latter two on SW). The "hard" way would be flying back from CA to FL then back out (to Denver) a day later round trip - Which was $429.

This tactic seemed to eliminate the jacked up airfares I have to contend with R/T from FL to Denver prior years (often exceeding $400)!

As for staying at the Red Lion (DblTree Hilton) ... The CHEAP rates there run from $80 or more a night. Since you are not gonna be in a room MOST of the time except to sleep ... Try right around the block at the next exit east at Motel 6, starting at $30 a night. A few years ago, and "away" from the "ChaserCon" rate, I found a cancellation at the Red Lion for $45 a night there. I never saw that kind of deal again.

Forget about a cab ride to / from the airport. That's like $50 each way! For about $75, you can rent a car the 3 days! Look around!

Oh, speaking of 'flying' - Skip I got to talk to you out there - You got some pretty awesome stuff from 2012!
They've just added a forecasting class with Jon Davies again this year. I've taken them before. They're great. I've signed up once again. Maybe the lesson will stick this time. It all seems so simple when you're sitting in a classroom. ;)

From the ChaserCon website:

Jon Davies' Tornado Forecasting Class: Feb. 15, 2013, 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm with 15 minute break/intermission cost: $25.00

Topics covered: surface & upper air patterns & CAPE/wind shear patterns associated with supercell tornadoes, thunderstorm initiation, a brief look at skew T's and hodographs, forecast exercises, & Q/A.

Online notes will be available for paid attendees, bring pen and paper if you want to take additional notes.
Regarding transportation from the airport, note that on the chasercon site that it says that the hotel has free airport transportation. I'd verify that with the hotel if you're interested, but that would seem to beat either a taxi or a rental car if you are flying in and just going to the convention. I am planning to be there again this year, look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones.
I'll see you all there! Airfare booked, conference paid for, and hotel set! Looking forward to it as it's been three years since I was last there!
For those that have booked rooms, are there any promo codes for the rooms you have found? Checked the ChaserCon website and FB page, but did not find any mention of special rates.
Good day all,

For those that have booked rooms, are there any promo codes for the rooms you have found? Checked the ChaserCon website and FB page, but did not find any mention of special rates.

I highly doubt of any discounted rooms at Red Lion / Doubletree (except for the storm chaser rate $79 plus tax).

I would recommend the Motel 6 up the road off I-70 at exit W 282 (E 281). They charge anywhere from $34.99 to $42.99 (that week). If you use the "CP567374" code you get 10% off. They are at the address 12020 E 39 Avenue, Denver, CO 80239 (phone is 303-371-1980).

Not a bad choice if you are staying off site due to costs, and within 2-3 minutes driving distances.
Thanks Chris, the $79 is what I was looking for. I'm actually local, but prefer to crash at the hotel Sat night as it's easier than having to worry about having to commute home and back. Have done that before and it makes for a sleepy Sunday.