Chaser of the day....

May 31, 2004
Peotone, IL
Been kinda toying around with an idea involving one chaser a day on my blog. Kind of a 10-20 question format just so people can get to know them better. Maybe some of those lesser known chasers out there with big time talent. While I am not "a big name" maybe I can bring just a little bit more exposure to someone else and allow them to showcase what they have? I like knowing about other people that share the same interest as I do.

More details:

My first subject was Tom Purdy from Janesville, Wisconsin -

I don't know, I think this has been attempted by others in the past, but I thought it would be a good way for some chasers out there to showcase what they have. I advocate people to chase for their own personal enjoyment but some of you really have some good stuff out there that I would like to bring out. Hopefully over the next several months I can get to everyone and everyone will know each other and respect their work. We all started somewhere ....

I have my next subject in line for January 31st. I am mostly active on facebook and can be found to chat there at just about ANY time. I usually will PM a random chaser my list of questions and ask they fill it out in a day or so... if you are interested I will devote a "day" for you, if not I will move on to the next. I think it is a good idea and will help promote unity and mutual respect (not that it should matter to anyone).

Find me on Facebook - or PM me here.

Hope you all enjoy and are interested in others.

*Due to my schedule or the replies I get... it may be a couple of days between posts*
My next subject on "Chaser Profile" is a man who needs no special introductions. He has chased religiously the last 16 years scoring big hits on May 3rd, 1999, Mulvane, Rice, May 29th, 2004 among many many others. If this man doesn't love chasing enough... he even started his own web show that likes to toss around chaser issues like an F5 tosses around rogue "debris".... He currently is the producer of one of my all time FAVORITE DVDs "LOVE" and someone who is NOT afraid to let you know what he is really thinking.... fellow chasers and enthusiasts alike I give you Shane Adams

Northern Illinois Storm Chaser: Chaser Profile: Shane Adams
Tonight's segment of "Chaser Profile" features my chase partner Adam Lucio. I had chased with my dad until I got my drivers license and then ventured out a lone most of the time before a storm in 2006 blew in our neighborhood. At this time we both threw together a summary of the events and put it on Stormtrack. His stuff caught my eye and we proceeded to start PMing each other. We PM'd all the way through 2007 when we finally decided to venture out together and since 2008 we have become one of the most dynamic and successful chaser tandems out there. Netting over 60 tornadoes, extreme winds, huge hail, and countless adventures I invite you to learn more about Adam Lucio.

Northern Illinois Storm Chaser: Chaser Profile: Adam Lucio
I have added 12 more questions to try to get to know chaser's at a little more personal level at the request of several people. If at any time you don't want to answer a question about life outside of chasing, simply make a note of it. I also have refrained from ONLY asking people to fill one out. I believe everyone's voice deserves to be heard. If you are interested in doing one just fill it out and send it to my FB messages or PM me. I will assign you a day. Better yet just send me a quick message saying "yes I am interested" and I will assign you your day right there and send you all 32 questions in the message so all you have to do is answer it there and include the links to photos and videos. This is actually a pretty big success so far. Hope you all have enjoyed and will participate!

Northern Illinois Storm Chaser: One chaser a day
This installment of "Chaser Profile" will be released an hour early due to me stepping out for a few hours tonight. It features a young student from the University of Oklahoma who has many experiences with severe weather and has a very successful tech background and future. He owns a portion of and oddly enough hates all sports! Someone you need to read about is chaser Zach Elliott Enjoy!
Northern Illinois Storm Chaser: Chaser Profile: Zach Elliott

While much of the newer generation of chasers were still in elementary school, this chaser was out bagging wedges in Eastern Colorado. He is a widely respected individual and doesn't need to boast about his intercepts. While he hasn't chased as much as he would like to lately, make no mistake when he does he will succeed and bring more awesome stories with him. Today I give you the profile of storm chaser Matt Sellers!

Northern Illinois Storm Chaser: Chaser Profile: Matt Sellers

In light of the tragedy that has unfolded late yesterday it seems only fitting that I honor Andy Gabrielson and Findthetornado by making him a memorial chaser profile. While I did not get a chance to ask him any questions, I will honor his memory and passion for today. I know it isn't much considering the loss, but I felt it was the least I can do. While Andy and I weren't the BEST of friends like a lot of you were, we had a lot of chats since 2007 and shared a lot of laughs on the old chat rooms and through PM's. I don't claim to feel the intense sorrow that his best friends and family are feeling, but I am deeply saddened by this event and the fact that the chasing community has lost arguably the best and most dedicated chaser out there. Those of you expecting thew regular chaser profiles will be pushed back one day as this Sunday (God's Day) is dedicated to the late Mr. G

Northern Illinois Storm Chaser: Chase Profile: Andy Gabrielson

Today's installment of "Chaser Profiles" is Mr. Scott McClellan. While his name may not jump out to you like others.... make no mistake this chaser has been around since I was 1 year old. He has over 100 tornadoes and calls Alabama his home. He chasers tough setups in rugged terrain but that doesn't stop him from calling it home... Introducing Mr. Scott McClellan

[h=6]Today's installment of "Chaser Profile" features a man who chased with TWISTEX, has his masters, and is going for his Ph.D .... He is extremely intelligent when it comes to storms, how they form, and where they form... he is also a very successful chaser who always says "hey". He is most remembered to me after a handshake with Skip Talbot after the tornado outbreak in Southern Minnesota in which a CG blasted the Earth no more than 1/4 mile away. The second hand in hand met it was like the world ended with a terrific flash/bang. It was quite a sight and this interview is going to be quite the read. Very informative and let's you get to know the real Jeff Duda ......[/h]
[h=6]Tonight's installment of "Chaser Profile" features a very unique, yet successful chaser who innovated a way to capture storms in a way never before perfected. Whether it is jaw dropping time lapse or new age software, he seems to pick the right spot at the right time... unless of course it is Iowa. When he goes to Iowa, everyone else chooses their second target :) The chaser I am referring to is another one of my chase partners... Skip Talbot. My most memorable chase was sitting shotgun in Skip's Mudpuppy filming numerous tornadoes on 6/17/10....[/h]
[h=6]This segment of "Chaser Profiles" is a man who puts chasing into perspective in regards to the rest of his life. To some chasing is their whole being and to Michael Cochenet it is a fun part of an equally adventurous life. He has a degree in meteorology and love photography. If you chase in Wisconsin keep your eyes open for Michael![/h]