Changes to Target Area

What kind of Target Area structure would you like to see for 2009?

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Having been an avid viewer of this site for several years, I can say that the current format is definitely the most helpful for those of us who are not meteorologists. It's very simple to understand and I've learned a lot, without all the information being combined. I think that if it were combined, it would be more difficult to keep up with, for simpletons like me. I like being able to use the Target Area as it stands.

If there is a need for staffing, I'm sure I can learn (and am willing) enough to be of some assistance to lighten the load for someone else, provided that someone is willing to train me a bit.

So I have no vote, as neither choice really fits what I would like to see....but I leave my humble opinion (because I'm a redhead and we tend to do that).

BTW.....Thanks so much for allowing the "rest of us" to get off the porch and run with you big dawgs!
I think ST is great to cater to wx-enthusiasts, I have no issue at all with that. I'm just saying there's one portion of it left that's about chasers first: REPORTS. To turn that (also) into more of an enthusiast-friendly thread, IMO, would pretty much nullify the need for it.
I think ST is great to cater to wx-enthusiasts, I have no issue at all with that. I'm just saying there's one portion of it left that's about chasers first: REPORTS. To turn that (also) into more of an enthusiast-friendly thread, IMO, would pretty much nullify the need for it.

Good point, Shane.

However, I can also see how a thread would begin with the forecast, then go to now, then go to reports and discussion...that is, after sleeping on it. The whole thread would actually follow a similar pattern as the separated threads, would it not? The separate threads are not all started at the same time anyway, are they?


But then, reports on a separate thread would be advantageous to those of us who are learning--give us a quicker way to get to the reports without having to sift through the rest of the posts involved in a single thread format, with added commentary left for the main thread.
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I also think the current system is pretty much ok. I'd like to see tighter moderation/rules for "nowcasting" starting the morning of a target day. Drive-by "nowcasting" sometimes generates a lot of noise in the FCST and NOW threads which makes them less useful for field chasers. IMO (as a few ST'ers might know ;)) I'd like to see pretty much all "nowcasting" not associated with particular field chasers taken to a virtual chase thread of some sort.

If there is to be a change, I'd most support Tony's proposal for three areas. I like the current layout best, though.

One aspect no one is talking about -- I think because few are using it -- is the Lo-Fi (text-only) version of the forum. That's what I use in the field, and it presents the entire thread every time you refresh the view. So pages are irrelevant. Putting everything in one thread will make that essentially useless, I think.
I also think the current system is pretty much ok. I'd like to see tighter moderation/rules for "nowcasting" starting the morning of a target day. Drive-by "nowcasting" sometimes generates a lot of noise in the FCST and NOW threads which makes them less useful for field chasers. IMO (as a few ST'ers might know ;)) I'd like to see pretty much all "nowcasting" not associated with particular field chasers taken to a virtual chase thread of some sort.

I'd like that, too. Virtual chasing is fine, but for those in the field, it can be just so much noise.
I'm all for fixing anything that's broken, and I have a very low resistance to change. Having said that, I really like the TA in its current format and can't see any reason to change it. Yeah, it's sometimes annoying after the fact to check four different threads to learn about one event. Nevertheless, for following the event in real time the current system works very well for me. Of the various tweaks and iterations of the TA over the years, I like the current format the best.
I'd be most in favor of a three-type approach:

FCST - 60 hours to Initiation
NOW - In-event (for chasers, nowcasters, and observers)
DISC - Reports and event related discussion.

I like the present format.
If you need to condense it, then I second John's proposal.
Otherwise, if you have to go two-tier, I suggest:

FCST/NOW - The first segues easily into the second
REPORTS/DISC - Same as above, only even moreso
Not sure how one could "simplify" the TA rules anymore; a seven-year old should be able to understand them properly and be in complete conformity with them.

(3) Prohibited content. Users may NOT post the following:
* Weather bulletins and forecast images, except as brief excerpts, in moderation, and with an explanation of their meteorological relevance;
* Links without an explanation of their meteorological relevance;
* Noise: posts containing only exclamations, salutations, witticisms, or personal anecdote (e.g. "I sure hope we get a storm. Bye!");
* Content containing no information relevant to the topic.
* Non-weather content, including complaints about others posts. Use the "Report this post" feature at the top of a post to complain about improper content. We welcome suggestions but these should be made elsewhere (namely at Information Desk). <--

That thread says it all right there. To top it off, there was moderator intervention (on Page 11, IIRC), yet the copious amount of inane and violating posts still remain. I remember beginning to write up a nowcast that afternoon, but once I saw the abundance of one-liner and nonsensical posts flooding the thread, I didn't even bother.

I'm not trying to sound pompous, I'm just reiterating the rules -- which nobody seems to be following, nor are moderators enforcing. I've noticed a sickening trend for many members to recieve infractions or even suspensions for personal snarks with ZERO hesitiation. Some of these "attacks" weren't even attacks, at least in my opinion (one particular well-known chaser was recently suspended for a post that contained the slightest semblance of sarcassm.)

What's the deal? I can't imagine it being hard to hit the delete button on a post that contains the header to a SVR, or a link to content on CNN.

The TA is fine as it is; perhaps just start issuing infractions and suspensions for users who can't understand the rules (which are tantamount to the rules of a Milton Bradley boardgame) and flood the threads with absolute junk.

EDIT: I counted roughly thirty-eight posts in that thread which violated the TOS ("Links without an explanation of their meteorological relevance"; "Weather bulletins and forecast images, except as brief excerpts, in moderation, and with an explanation of their meteorological relevance"; "Noise: posts containing only exclamations, salutations, witticisms, or personal anecdote (e.g. "I sure hope we get a storm. Bye!")")
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