Canon vertical grip service recall for 20D and 30D

Mar 29, 2004
Fort Worth, Tx
This apparently has been well documented and known for awhile but I just found out about it after having issues for some time.

Here is a link to one persons issues with the BG-E2 Vertical Grip:

Here is a link to Canon admitting that sometimes things don't work like they should:

After speaking to Canon customer service they are predicting a 10 day turn around and they either fix or repair.

I strongly suggest that if you own this grip, even if you are not having problems (and have an affected serial number) you may want to call anyways. I had 5 photos from the heat of the moment April 29th tornado get lost because of the power issue in the vertical position. I was ready to buy a new camera I was so pissed.

Graham Butler
Ehh what was that you were saying when I bought that plastic knockoff grip on Ebay Graham? You know, the one that is still working great? LOL
<sorry man I just couldn't resist!>
Ehh what was that you were saying when I bought that plastic knockoff grip on Ebay Graham? You know, the one that is still working great? LOL
<sorry man I just couldn't resist!>

I knew you were going to be a smartass and say that ;) One thing to note is that I owned the vertical grip for over ~3 years before any of these problems started happening.
