Hmmm, I must be missing how to do infinity properly. I normally just zoom all the way out, let it autofocus on the sky, then flip it to manual. I didn't know it did that at powering off though, and that would explain some issues I had. I figured I just bumped the stupid(!) wheel. How do you get it to infinity without guessing? I've never seen any icon for infinity.
As for tips, I with the menu. Hell I still don't even know how to shoot in 24p, though I haven't been looking. I switch to program mode, then use TV. I think after several chases with it, I am just now getting how the hell that menu works with that stick. I'd get lost in there and wind up unable to change the exposure level or shutter, thanks to how confusing that menu/stick control really is. Looks like you push up and go to the next option, after pushing in on it, but you have to just tap it up to access the option you wanted, not hold it up. Between that and the focus thing, it can be super annoying in the lower light driving times....ones with rain suck(since I have been letting it autofocus to infinity then flipping back to manual). (why does this not post two paragraphs, lol....I'm posting it with two, but it ain't saving it that way...yikes, had to html it)