Jeff Snyder
Today, Canon announced a new dSLR -- the 1D Mark III. I don't necessarily think this camera will be snatched up by the chasing world, but it's nice to see some of the improvements, namely: live view LCD (something that has differentiated consumer point-n-shoots from dSLRs, and SLRs for that matter), 14bit RAW (increasing dynamic range and tonality over the previously-used 12bit), ISO6400 mode, 3" LCD, and 10 frames-per-second JPG shooting up to 110 images. I haven't had time to read through the white papers and everything else, and I won't really consider it given the ~$4000 price tag. But, it is PMA season, and many expect to see a replacement for the EOS-30D announced soon (a line that seems more common amongst chasers).
DPReview link:
At least you know that Canon really is targeting this beyond the prosumer market by "only" increasing to 10mp. The consumer point-n-shoot camera lines are still in the "my camera has more megapixels than your camera" war, which is silly since I can't imagine many people really use anything more than 8mp (unless you crop a lot or make relativley large prints, things not particularly typical of the non-dSLR market).
DPReview link:
At least you know that Canon really is targeting this beyond the prosumer market by "only" increasing to 10mp. The consumer point-n-shoot camera lines are still in the "my camera has more megapixels than your camera" war, which is silly since I can't imagine many people really use anything more than 8mp (unless you crop a lot or make relativley large prints, things not particularly typical of the non-dSLR market).