Camera problem

Dec 4, 2003
Norman, OK
Question mainly for the there a good camera repair shop in Norman/OKC ? My good telephoto lens messed up this morning, and considering the fact I still shoot with the old-fashioned do-it-yourself SLR, chances of finding a new lens are fairly slim. Thanks for your help, guys!!
Hank, I don't remember the brand, but I think it's a Tonika. It's a 70-250mm and fits my Canon T-70. I'm going to come up to the shop in just a little while.
Hank, I don't remember the brand, but I think it's a Tonika. It's a 70-250mm and fits my Canon T-70. I'm going to come up to the shop in just a little while.

Angie, I hope they can get it going. Hopefully, something has come loose and can be tightened easily.
If your lens had died, there are hundreds of used optics on 'that auction site" and elsewhere. The Vivitar Series 1 70-210 zoom would make a great replacement for ~50 bucks. The constant aperture f3.5 versions are the best.

Your T-70 is a nice little brick - basically a motorized A1 with "plastic" shell. It has plenty of exposure options, quality guts, and is nearly bomb proof.
