Buying DeLorme GPS & street Atlas 2005

Originally posted by Tony Laubach
I just picked up DeLorme at Worst Buy for $119.99, so I'll take it... however, I must ask, does anyone have custom maps they've made (i.e - WiFi) that they'd be willing to share. I'm playing with the software as I type and am figuring out how it works and what have you. Any advice on shortcuts, gimmicks, or updates would also be cool, too! Anxiously and eagerly diving into this! :D

Amos posted a link a little while back that had a draw file with county names... Importing it into your map on SA05 would mean that county names are displayed...
I got mine from for $108 shipped. Got here pretty quick and is really accurate. Surprised the heck out of me. Really recommend it to anyone that is afraid of getting lost or just wants one.