Buying DeLorme GPS & street Atlas 2005

Jun 24, 2004
I am looking to buy the most recent (USB) Earthmate GPS receiver and Street Atlas 2005. I have found it for $106.84, including shipping, at two places, and I was wondering if anybody has bought from either of these, or has seen a better deal anywhere? Thanks.
I bought mine at BestBuy for $109 with a $20 rebate. The 2005 version is much better than the previous versions. I also found that Topo USA 5.0 uses the same road overlay. I use it more than SA 2005.
Bill, I was wondering about Topo USA. Does it have all the same features of street atlas (routing, GPS logging, voice, etc)? The sample screen shots on Delorme's site look fantastic. I might have to upgrade.
Bill, I was wondering about Topo USA. Does it have all the same features of street atlas (routing, GPS logging, voice, etc)? The sample screen shots on Delorme's site look fantastic. I might have to upgrade.

It has everything SA2005 has EXCEPT vioce. So, yes it does have GPS logging and routing. I like the added shade relief option on the map display. It shows where groups of trees are, where hills are and a pretty good 3D side map.
Yes. The Bluelogger worked fine when I took it out on a test run. A few weeks ago I was cleaning up the room and put it and the little Bluetooth USB computer adapter in a safe place and can't find either of them at the moment. Scheduled a hunt for this weekend. :? That's perhaps the only criticism is that it and its related charger gizmos seem to grow legs because it's not tethered in use. And the constantly blinking LED begs to be taped over.

I'm inclined to use the tethered EarthMate for in-car routing and the Bluelogger as backup and full-day trip logger. Stay tuned for a longer road-trip test tentatively scheduled for March.
Received the Blue Logger yesterday and it comes with a black holder so you can attach to your belt when outside. When you put it in the case it will block the led from view.
Plus you don't have to get the black marker out.
Dosen't SA2005 come with it's own GPS receiver now. I was looking at it yesterday. Is there any reason their receiver is not as good as Earthmate's receiver?
Kelley, AFAIK you only can buy the Bluelogger bundled with a mapping product. The mapping products are sold separately, or bundled with the Earthmate, which is still sold.

The GPS signal performance of the Bluelogger vs. the Earthmate are quite similar I'm pretty sure, but the Bluelogger also accepts an optional external antenna.
I bought Delorme Street Atlas 2005 and it came with the new Earthmate receiver.


I swear by Delorme products and would never switch. But I haven't seen the Microsoft products so can't comment on their value.
Tested the Bluelogger today from from Tulsa to OKC and back. The battery lasted and I could even leave the GPS in the floor , did go back from 3d to 2d then though.

I'll see what the battery life is friday during a trip to Illinois.

No complaint's with the running of the Delorme SA 2005 HH on the Ipaq 3115 I just got too.
Fun play weekend for me :D

After 8 hours of driving the "BL" still held it's charge and stayed connected to the bluetooth connection on the IpaQ.

One problem that came up was zooming in on the map sometimes the gps location was misaligned with the highway but was easily corrected by unzooming then re-zooming.

The mapping from SA 2005 had one flaw found and that was the entrance for I-44 from 412 in E. Tulsa. Delorme still has the old route and not the new ramp a mile or so farther east.

All in all I look forward to having this mapping and gps gear this year and would recommend the Delorme products.
I have bought a few things from I havn't had any problem with them. their shipping was really fast.
I just picked up DeLorme at Worst Buy for $119.99, so I'll take it... however, I must ask, does anyone have custom maps they've made (i.e - WiFi) that they'd be willing to share. I'm playing with the software as I type and am figuring out how it works and what have you. Any advice on shortcuts, gimmicks, or updates would also be cool, too! Anxiously and eagerly diving into this! :D