
Those are terrible conditions to work under. I wish there was something we could do to push back, but I suppose it’s best left to those who work directly with this tough guy. One of these days the boss will meet his match in the bathroom and his reign of intimidation and fear will land him on the deck wondering what just happened.

It’s really hard to imagine scientists working in such an environment. This just isn’t supposed to happen...

Since I was not involved in this little "dust-up" personally, I don't know who to believe here. What I am quite certain of is that compared to decades ago, people are under extreme pressures to perform and produce, as well as be able to navigate through new politically correct norms. This is mentally and spiritually pushing many people to their ragged edges...past the point where their internal "behavioral filter" is able to keep them in control.
Mr Shane Young. I noticed you gave me a dislike for starting this thread. It came across my Facebook page and I simply shared it here to see if anyone here had any personal insight. What exactly did you find so offensive Shane?
None of us really knows if it happened or not because we weren’t there to have firsthand knowledge about it. A person can either summarily dismiss it or choose to believe there *could* be a grain of truth in there somewhere. Either way it’s not worth debating because there’s no way to substantiate the claim that was made. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and beliefs!
Good point Mark... Jumping to conclusions that the boss should "meet his match" in the bathroom would probably not be a good move then :)
I have no objection to this thread or the OP, the discussion is good. However, I’d just like to point out that this is exactly how fake news gets spread. It starts with either a flat-out made up story, or, as in this case, a dubious anonymously-sourced story at a random website with an ax to grind and an obvious political agenda... The story gets passed around by like-minded people and is soon being discussed online via social networks and/or forums just like this one, then the next stage is for the matter to become so ubiquitous that a respectable news source picks it up, and voila: totally fake news that can be attributed to a trusted media site.

The important question is, of course, did any of this really happen, and here it’s pretty obvious that it did not. These are major accusations being made, and we would have heard about it already if it were even remotely true. But their unwillingness to name this mysterious meteorologist is telling. If you read the article carefully, it’s clear CFACT didn’t even talk directly to their alleged anonymous source, they use weasel-wording like “according to an account provided to CFACT”, and so forth. So, somebody told somebody else that this happened, and they brought it to the attention of a climate-denialist website – now there’s some journalistic integrity you can trust! I suppose it’s remotely possible that CFACT has in fact scooped everyone and is the first to break a genuinely shocking story, but… I wouldn’t hold your breath. Until this becomes more than “someone told us about an anonymous source who says that...” I’d say it can be safely ignored.