As someone who works part time in a NWS office and works on a regular basis with NWS personnel from across the country, I have never heard or experienced such an environment. From what I have experienced and know, the offices work to provide support for people of all beliefs (scientific, religious, cultural, etc.) through providing helpful resources and proper work environment. I feel that in general, employees have positive attitudes and are comfortable. I'm sure experiences will vary slightly from office to office, situation to situation, and individual to individual.
The fact that this is being "reported" by a source that obviously has an anti-climate change agenda should be a huge red flag. Also, the fact that it happened 4 years ago and is just now being brought up is questionable. The article makes it sound like this meteorologist and their colleague are still employed by the NWS. If the work environment is so terrible, then why not find another job? If they're good at what they do, it shouldn't be a problem.
The last part of the article is also questionable. What credit does this meteorologist have to say that funds and data are being mismanaged? I'm fairly certain NWS forecasters do not have access to that information. And that's not because of secrecy, but because they simply don't need to have access to that information for their job. And if they did, where are the numbers? Where is the proof? Anyone can say anything, but you better be able to back it up. Could anything this article claims to have happened actually occurred? Sure, I suppose there's a chance. But this whole article just seems like a conspiracy theory to me.