Books on severe WX

Mar 10, 2005
Cincinnati, Ohio
I'm trying to find some good books to get me started in storm chasing. I am going to be taking my first spotter course in a few weeks, but I would also like to find some books on the basics of severe weather and the anatomy & physiology of tornadoes. A while back, someone on this board mentioned a couple of books that were "mandatory" reading for beginning stormchasers. If anyone can recommend some titles I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks.
I'm trying to find some good books to get me started in storm chasing. I am going to be taking my first spotter course in a few weeks, but I would also like to find some books on the basics of severe weather and the anatomy & physiology of tornadoes. A while back, someone on this board mentioned a couple of books that were "mandatory" reading for beginning stormchasers. If anyone can recommend some titles I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks.

Our very own Tim Vasquez has published a few decent reads. B)
Starts with the basics and progresses to cover most anything a chaser will need to know about meteorology, serving up college level information and theory. I bought a copy in Denver and have been poring over it since. Excellent.

A bit less technical - a broad chasing guide that touches on everything you'd need to know about chasing big weather. (This is my 2 minute impression. Having already purchased gobs of CDs, DVDs, and books at Denver, I was running low on funds and 'had' to choose between this or the above book. I should have bit the bullet and bought both.)

I haven't yet popped for Tim Marshall's "25 YEARS OF STORM TRACK" CD. It's marginaly spendy, but no doubt worth every penny. The old ST magazine was fantastic - featuring chase tips, weather analysis, equipment reviews, amusing chaser art/cartoons by David Hoadley, and much, much more.

I also just ordered Tim's Forecasting book. There's also a lot of online sources to help get you started with some basics.

These are some helpful spotter guides. A lot of the material is covered in Skywarn training sessions.

NOAA's Basic Spotters' Field Guide (.PDF)

NOAA's Advanced Spotters' Field Guide (.PDF)

NWS Storm Spotter Training (.ZIP - 24MB) - HTML slide show.

Online Spotter Training - Online Guides for Beginner, Advanced, and Chasing.

These are some links to sites with helpful educational material to teach the basics of weather. WW2010 is pretty cool, as it's a step-by-step guide.

Weather Prediction Education - Touches on just about everything.

WW2010 - University of Illinois Weather World Project with tons of online guides and weather information.

Glossaries for looking up terms.

Storm Wiki - A Wiki Style weather glossary.

NOAA Glossary of Terms for Storm Spotters
I recently picked up a copy of Howard Bluestein’s “Tornado Alley – Monster storms of the great plains” on EBay. I would recommend this to anyone with an interest in severe weather. It is kind of hard to find. I think I had the automatic search feature looking for this book for about 8 months.
Thanks All. I will look into your recommendations. I have some of the basics down although I need to work towards understanding the tech talk that pops up from time to time on this board.
Thanks All. I will look into your recommendations. I have some of the basics down although I need to work towards understanding the tech talk that pops up from time to time on this board.

That's one of the problems with chasing. There's very little in 'intermediate' level subject. Once you get past all of the basics, it seems like it jumps to degree-level information/discussion. But it all comes in time. I plan on getting a few upper-level text books when I can afford them and see how well I remember physics and chemistry :)
I'm trying to find some good books to get me started in storm chasing. I am going to be taking my first spotter course in a few weeks, but I would also like to find some books on the basics of severe weather and the anatomy & physiology of tornadoes. A while back, someone on this board mentioned a couple of books that were "mandatory" reading for beginning stormchasers. If anyone can recommend some titles I'd sure appreciate it. Thanks.

Thunderstorm Morphology and Dynamics
Edited by Ed Kessler

I picked this up about 10 years ago-not sure if its still in print. Had to read through some sections more than once, skipped the scary (to me) math equation-heavy sections altogether. Still a lot there for the layperson--better yet if you have some basic understanding of science.