Aug 28, 2004
Sylacauga, Alabama
Bluetooth devices seem to be a pain....I bought one off of for my Samsung SGH-d357 and I can not get anything to pick up on it. I am trying to use it for a dialup connection. Any help?
LOL Geez, you've really been unlucky. I putzed around with my bluetooth connection a bit to get it to work, but it works fine now. What specific problem(s) are you having?
Eh.. same deal here.. what i found was is that there are like different bluetooth protocols.. in addition the info on the internet will not help you.. I searched and searched.. pitched a tent .. built rome and civilization as we know it and still didnt find no info.

There is like a 1.1 protocol and a 2.2.. They for some reason or at least the experience I had in-compatable. So if you buy a 1.1 it will not work on the 2.2 protocol.. but "they" say the 2.2 is compatable with 1.1 .. however that was not my experience..

Hope this helps..

When I try to connect to the net through my bluetooth modem I get an error 734: The PPP link control protocol was terminated.

I checked all of the settings. :(
What bluetooth stack/software/driver are you using? Is the connection between the phone and your laptop working (e.g. are you able to 'pair', move files between the two, etc)?
When I try to connect to the net through my bluetooth modem I get an error 734: The PPP link control protocol was terminated.

I checked all of the settings. :(

Sounds familiar.. IIRC.

I would say its a bluetooth protocol issue whereas the piece of electronics that would likely be the newest up to date, would in deduction be the newer protocol.. Whereas the older??? piece of hardware more than likely has a 1.1 protocol..

Check to see the version of the bluetooth your running on each device.. the about section of the software possibly??

Maybe Jeff has some suggestions.
Keep in mind that many Cell Phone providers have disabled certain Bluetooth functions from the command set (they order the phones that way from the manufacturers).. mostly having to do with using the Cell Phone as a modem but also other wireless networking functions. Even if a cellphone supports a specific Bluetooth protocol it doesn't mean it can do all Bluetooth functions.

It would seem that most of the cell phone companies would prefer us to only use Bluetooth for wireless headsets or possibly to exchange address-book information with a PC etc. This has annoyed some people with high-end cars that have built in Bluetooth capabilities.

Not all providers do this, and even within some providers it can depend on the phone you're using. Some people have found ways to re-enable the missing functionality of the phone. HowardForums is a good place to read up on some of these issues.
Do the regular Windows XP drivers / bluetooth stack work? I see that you said that your phone "shows up", so I assume there at least is a communications link between your laptop and your phone. Perhaps the DUN (DUN = Dial-Up Networking) profile is disabled on the phone, but Howardforums would be the best way to find that out (or email the phone manufacturer if you can find an email address).
Do the regular Windows XP drivers / bluetooth stack work? I see that you said that your phone "shows up", so I assume there at least is a communications link between your laptop and your phone. Perhaps the DUN (DUN = Dial-Up Networking) profile is disabled on the phone, but Howardforums would be the best way to find that out (or email the phone manufacturer if you can find an email address).

The DUN profile shows on the phone, but you are correct it does not show on the laptop. I wonder how in the world I could enable it. Windows XP picked up the drivers for the bluetooth adaptor. When i connected my phone to it, it also picked up a serial adaptor which was my phone, but it doesn't pick up any more of the profiles. Just the Serial Port profile. I am clueless when it comes to bluetooth.
Old, maybe obsolete thread -- but I just hooked up my Motorola V710 to the notebook computer for Verizon dial-up via Bluetooth. I'm using a Kensington USB BT dongle.

With the Motorola Mobile Phone Tools v.3 which you can get for less than $50 on eBay with an OEM USB serial cable thrown in (has socket on the side to allow it to be plugged into power -- a Very Good Thing), the setup was very easy. You set up a dial-up connection profile, stick a shortcut on the desktop, and all you have to do is double-click on it. It connects to the phone, dials up and connects to the ISP. It will hold a simultaneous wireless connection while you use the dial-up connection, too. When you're done, you just disconnect from the status window.

I just confirmed what I hoped -- that the Bluetooth accomodates both the Earthmate Bluelogger GPS and the phone simultaneously. Look Ma -- no wires!

The V710 SEEM is hackable, from what I read, to enable some of the BT services that Verizon wanted disabled -- notably phone-to-computer file transfer. But the phone has a micro-SD flash card which can be removed and read into the computer anyway, so I'm not sure yet if I want to mess with the phone.

I still have to see if a data compression service is still available from Ositech or otherwise. In previous years it sped up the measly 14.4kbs cell connection by about a factor of two.

Ed.: Data compression (ExpressLink) is still available from Ositech for $5/mo. for a three month plan, with 15 day free trial. It's well worthwhile with a cell phone connection. You get about 2-for-1 with model charts and such, and 5-for-one or more with HTML-heavy pages like this forum.