Biggest dissapointment in 2004?

Chris Frost

What was your biggest dissapointment this year? For me it would have to be 12 June when I totally disregarded everything but my young weather instincts and went the completely wrong way. Finally got a tor-warned storm near Concordia Ks. Had nice inflow and precip wall. But if you know anything about Kansas, Concordia is quite a bit of difference from Mulvane/Wichita. At least 150 mile difference
Missed the best tornado of 12 June. I followed some crappy crap convection near McPhearson until I was out of cell access and thus data. If I gave up on it 30 minutes earlier and stayed near I35, I would of seen the better looking cell developing down near Wichita. Instead, I hauled butt after my friend called me up and asked where I was. We ended up punching the storm through the eastern loop of interstates near Wichita and got the Rock, KS tornado.

Of events I couldn't chase - March 27 (had to work) and May 12 (car's alternator went out). What made missing May 12 really frustrating was that I had targeted Medicine Lodge but had absolutely no way to get there.

Of events I did chase - May 24. Drove up all the way to the Topeka area to see nothing while several tornadoes occurred much closer to home in SW OK.
Where to start. I think being late to June 11 in IA sort of sucked the most as I missed the coolest tornado by doing so. June 10 in sw NE and May 29 nc KS close 2nds.
May 24 - Vowed not to repeat my screw-up from May 22 and miss TWO major outbreaks in three days. Took a chance on the WF and played well east of the dryline. First storm of the day went up just south of us, and we were all over it in no time. Problem was, it didn't really get its act together west of the Mississippi, and our roads weren't letting us get across the river to follow it. By the time we decided to abandon it and head west to play the dryline, the big tornadofest in southern Nebraska was already underway. We missed everything except one last tornado in northern Kansas just after we got on the storm. I missed my second outbreak in three days, but both days we at least came home with a tornado.
I hate to say this, but my biggest disappointment in 2004 came earlier today. I've actually had people post to critique the presentation of my website regarding the sale of my DVD, on another wx forum. I was told my colors were too bright and hurt their eyes, that it wasn't professional, that if I wanted to be taken seriously, I should completely redo my website. I say "see a fucking doctor if it hurts your eyes." Also, the same fuckballs couldn't get past the buzz words PASSION, LOVE, and DEEP BLUE, all of which appear on my video page. Passion is in the website title, Love is the DVD title, and Deep Blue is a sponser. All it takes is a few seconds of clicking around to figure out that the site is a CHASER site, not a PORN site. Too many lazy fucking people out there.

I think I know what forum you are talking about :wink:

I have only been a member for a couple of days, but I can sense some cockiness...

Anyway, who cares what they think about YOUR site? It's YOUR site, not theirs, and if they don't like it, too bad for them... A personal website is an expression of ones self, not what others want them to be...
LOL, I'd have to say May 29th was the biggest disappointment for me. You know you're having one heck of a year when you see a nice anticyclonic tornado and a beast of an HP supercell, and you consider that a disappointment. The rest of the big chase days (5-12, 5-22, 6-12, etc) all ended up pretty darn well for me. That said, 3-27 could have been a little better for me, and I missed 5-24 due to prior commitments.
LOL, I'd have to say May 29th was the biggest disappointment for me. You know you're having one heck of a year when you see a nice anticyclonic tornado and a beast of an HP supercell, and you consider that a disappointment.

Ditto. That has to be my biggest disappointment as well, we are getting greedy! 8)
Had to be May 12th. I decided to stay with the NW storms and all heck was breaking loose around Medicine Lodge, Anthony, etc. But that's what I love about chasing, strategy.

May 22, 2004 was the worst chase of my life. I left Norman around 4:30am and drove to York, Nebraska. While checking data at a truck stop in York I ran into good friends Scott Blair, and Jason Politte. It was great seeing old friends, but I neglected my target Kearney, NE. Long story short, I stayed in York way to long and missed the Alma, NE tornadoes by 10 minutes. I then spent the next 6 hours being out of position, fighting HP beasts, and just knowing that I was missing a major tornado outbreak. To top off a major bust I had to be back in Norman by noon on the 23rd. I drove back all night taking 1-2 hour naps when I got tired, and made it home at 10am. Of course after a 30-hour 1130-mile bust I swore that chasing was stupid, and that I would never chase again. 19 hours later I left Norman with Eric Nguyen and had a double-digit tornado day in Southern Nebraska.

Storm Chasing, what an odd hobby it is.

Scott Currens

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My biggest disappointment was on May 12. I was on the Harper County storm and it was a great day except for my world class screw up. On the second tornado that hit Attica I had been getting video parked about 200 yards North of it while it developed and sat stationary over a field. Once it started to get stronger I decided it was time to move a little to the East so I had a way to get out when it started moving. I parked on the side of the highway and balanced my camera on the spare tire of my jeep to make sure I got a steady shot. The tornado got strong very quickly and I watched through my camera as it moved across the highway and hit a house. This went on for several minutes before I realized I had forgotten to hit the record button. On the video that was on CNN that showed the house getting lifted off the foundation you could see me parked right in front of the guy before he zooms in. I still get upset when I think about it.
My biggest disappointment was form May 18-21. We went out at the wrong time. We got stuck in fog and low clouds almost everyday. We did not even see a severe storm. To make matters worse, my sister's birthday was on May 22, 2004. We drove from eastern Iowa all of the way to Leadville CO. (927 miles) in one day to make it home for my sister's birthday. We missed all of those tornadoes by one day. Also, (as if it could not get any worse) I had a ton of work to make up for school. It was terrible. :(