Best Anvil shots- post your best

Here are a couple from the same storm posted by Jason Tunzer over western Iowa on May 10, 2005, from under the anvil:


Great pics Mike! Did that storm do any damage?

In Audubon County there was reports of 4 tornadoes (Mabey the same one?) and many reports of hail 1.00"-1.75" in western IA for this day. Several tornadoes reported in eastern NE and 1 reported in KS aswell for this day. No wind reports from western IA. So I am thinking this was a suppercell mabey?

not to much for me to post here...most of my other anvil shots are either gone, or on another computer...

i believe this one was taken may, 27 was a slight risk day and there was a pair of tornado watches out...

this particular storm was SE of limon colorado...
June 10th, 2007 - North Central Nebraska. This LP supercell was moisture starved... Unfortunatelly, the tiny updraft base never made it.

martin...i have never seen such a large anvil on such a small storm before...

congrats to everyone else on this thread, these are some amazing photos...
There are truly some fantastic shots in this thread.

This one is from near Snyder, TX April 30. 2007 :


Best Regards,

Thomas Dolmer Nielsen
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June 6, '07: North end of HUGE Squall Line that extended diagonally across Central NE into south-central SD. The storm had one of the widest & longest anvils I had ever seen. First image was facing northeast on H183 in north-central NE.


Beneath the anvil's edge--looking almost straight up & west.
This was taken in June 2007 near Arnold NE. Some of our favorite pics.


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Hey Thomas! Good to hear from you. Nice man, but you should have posted one with the nice roll cloud in it. By the way, who's piece of junk truck with that giant body bag on the back is that in front of you? ;-)
Hi Paul,

i believe the truck belongs to the famous team from Gaynesville, FL ... :-). Are your vehicle still alive ?
That was a nice little surprice storm we got there...

Give my regards to the rest of the team. I mailed Sarah & Marc a while back, but have not heard from them yet.
Famous? In what country? How about IN-Famous for U-turns. And yes, the duct tape is still holding everything together :D, hail dents and all. Give my regards to all the Danes.
..late reply..
I posted a few photos on the first page on this thread, though I don't know how I let this one slip by.

April 21, 2007, looking east at the edge of the anvil of the Cactus tornado's parent supercell.