Best Anvil shots- post your best

Picture from Noble, OK looking east on May 8th, 2005

The next 2 are from sometime around like 6 years ago in TX panhandle.


Here's a great anvil in April this year (autumn down here) about 150km's east of Johannesburg.


Here's an interesting view of a rampaging updraft in the Drakensberg Mountains in December last year.


Dryline storms over Johannesburg in February this year

Our storm season starts, well soonish, it's early spring here now, but still waiting for the moisture to come back from the tropics up north right now.



All of these were taken within 15 minutes of each other, Near Rochelle, IL, on May 24, 2006, I believe Mike Hollingshead has pictures of these two storms from the west side looking east, as I am on the east side looking west.
Nice shots all. Keep em coming.
meanwhile I hate to think of the hailstones that would have come out of that anvil Jeremy

:D Best structure I've ever witnessed!

Seriously, there are some great shots in this thread. Too bad I don't see anything that interesting around here. Unfortunately we are extremely lucky to even see this sort of structure in these parts:



My best anvil - honest!

"Best Anvil shots - post your best" is what the title of the title of the thread says. So here is my best shot at an anvil:


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You could pound out horseshoes on that was looking south at the massive
Harper KS supercell on May 12, it dropped a tornado in Barber County.
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Anyone remember 2006? Ouch. Well, as a testament to 2006, I offer these, which include pics from deep south TX, Terre Haute IN, and Rapid City SD. I had chased in 7 different states through 2005. In my desperation to catch storms, I ended up adding 8 more states to that list in 2006 alone. The first pic here is a bit of a fav of mine, because it is my only photo of a storm in Mexico. It was shot from Marathon TX. I have neither the photography skills nor equipment of most you on this forum, so I have to substitute quantity for quality:


Next one was probably 2006's biggest disappointment to me, as I was sure this baby was about to produce NW of Topeka on April 15:


Next two are a sup near Seminole TX May 4; moon in first photo:



Next, storm outside Terre Haute IN May 25. I have no idea why my camera made it so blue, but attempts to remove the blue made it look even worse. Storm did not "produce":


Storm near Rapid City June 13. Orphaned. Surprise!


Funniest moment of 2006 was stopping at a gas station in BFE, ND on May 27. I grabbed a couple hot dogs for lunch and ate them inside the station. I finish them, then wander outside, thinking "Hmmm, wonder if the boundary just to the west is producing any cu yet." So I walk around to the back of the station to look, and there are about a gazillion chasers back there.
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Good day,

Here is some of mine ... There are 10 (ten) photos ;-)


Above: Off FL west coast, 34,000 feet in DC-9 / MD-80. Sept 4, 2006.


Above: Anvil blowoff. May 23, 2007 (Texas).


Above: Supercell Knuckles / Anvil. June 7, 2007 (MN / WI).


Above: Not really "anvil", but the bottom of one (Mammatus). May 29, 2004 in N KS.


Above: Cool CC under anvil. May 21, 2004 in NE.


Above: Dryline meets back-sheared anvil! May 24, 2004 in NE KS.


Above: Explosive supercell anvil formation. New Mexico, May 25, 2005.


Above: Rock hard anvil edge peeking through agitated cumulus. East of tornadic supercell. SD on Sept 16, 2006.


Above: Anvil backside near Cape Girardeu. Sept 27, 2006 MO / IL.


Above: Interesting anvil lightning by sunset. May 28, 2002 in Texas Panhandle.
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I couldn't resist adding some of my pics.

Here is a supercell with a "collapsing dome" that produced a F4 tornado about the time the pic was taken. April 1 1998 that killed two people in Coatesville. View is to the east. Unusual since this I took it in Virginia.


May 16 2003, Texas. The best supercell I saw that storm chase vacation was while flying in.


May 24, 2004. Blasting south toward storms near Topeka, Kansas.


Bill Hark