Anyone remember 2006? Ouch. Well, as a testament to 2006, I offer these, which include pics from deep south TX, Terre Haute IN, and Rapid City SD. I had chased in 7 different states through 2005. In my desperation to catch storms, I ended up adding 8
more states to that list in 2006 alone. The first pic here is a bit of a fav of mine, because it is my only photo of a storm in Mexico. It was shot from Marathon TX. I have neither the photography skills nor equipment of most you on this forum, so I have to substitute quantity for quality:
Next one was probably 2006's biggest disappointment to me, as I was
sure this baby was about to produce NW of Topeka on April 15:
Next two are a sup near Seminole TX May 4; moon in first photo:
Next, storm outside Terre Haute IN May 25. I have no idea why my camera made it so blue, but attempts to remove the blue made it look even worse. Storm did not "produce":
Storm near Rapid City June 13. Orphaned. Surprise!
Funniest moment of 2006 was stopping at a gas station in BFE, ND on May 27. I grabbed a couple hot dogs for lunch and ate them inside the station. I finish them, then wander outside, thinking "Hmmm, wonder if the boundary just to the west is producing any cu yet." So I walk around to the back of the station to look, and there are about a gazillion chasers back there.